The Elite 16


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Zoë hovered awkwardly for a few moments before scooping up her bag, making for the door. "See ya! You boys had better not make a mess while I'm gone!"

(Let's say I never was at Sarah's dorm and I was in a different one :chohimetchi: )

Raven climbed up to the top bunk, and she walked outside to train behind the PokeCenter. She sent out Noctowl and Honchkrow, even though they were really close. Then she sent out her Absol. She moved them so that Absol was in the middle, and Noctowl on the right.(You know where Honchkrow is!) "If only someone could triple batlle with me..." Raven thought.

Zoë gave Cypher a quick smile before heading out, humming to herself as she walked along. Coming up to Sarah, she overheard their conversation, and paused. "No idea..."

Raven realized it was silly and started to walk home. She walked over to see Sarah and others talking about food and joined in. "Well, I cook a mean Filipino Spagghetti...If you umm want to eat it..." Raven said. She started walking away, ashamed.

Sarah laughed. "We should go look! I think they're making a buffet.'' Hydra shouted. "Feraaa." Sarah nodded. "And a range of aprishakes, pokéblocks, poffins, pokémon food and berries - for the pokémon!"

"D-D-Dinnertime!!" A voice came from the lodge, startling Hydra and Wish in the progress.

Fiore was about to say something when she heard someone call for dinner, causibg Vesta to go running in search of where the voice came from with Fiore running after her.

"Woah!" Wish sped off after Vesta. Sarah ran after her with Hydra close behind her.

Fehl's ears perked up when she heard "D-D-Dinner time!" from Sarah, she could recognize the voice from anywhere.

She jumped off her bed and, with her Pokemon, rushed out the door and slowed down, walking in to the "Cafeteria" slowly and delicately.

"I am so hungry!" She got a plate and since she is a vegetarian grabbed a bowl of Chicken flavor ramen with tofu replacing the chicken.

She got her Pokemon their food and sat down alone, with her Pokemon of course. "What delicious food!" she smiled and looked around seeing everyone else eating. She lowered her

smile to a straight face.

"Dinner!?" Ceto jumped off his bed and ran straight into the "Cafeteria" with his Pokemon. "Foooooood! He drooled and got himself some food while his pokemon

quietly exchanged words "Fros, Froslass?" "Glai, Glai, Glaaaaailie." They finished and smiled at each other, finally deciding on the Bitter and Dry berries and poffins. "Aww" he smiled and sat down in the corner gagaing over his Pokemon's love for each other.

Her trip to the Pokemart forgotten in favour of food, Zoë followed the others through to the cafeteria. "Hm..." Her Pokemon were rather too big to let out into the small room, so she picked up some berries and food for herself before heading outside again.

Raven followed, and let out her Umbreon and Espeon. She walked around and realized a poster. "Hey guys look. It's a Pokemon dress up contest," read Raven, as she went on. "Join the Elite 16's welcome contest! Come to the main Island behind the PokeCenter to participate on the 15th of November! All you ned is your pokemon and you need to make them dress up as another Pokemon!" Raven stopped and realized something. "We haven't been informed about any of this. Meh, maybe they'll explain it later. So are you guys going?" Said Raven, for once happy, and letting out all her Pokemon to eat in the 'Cafeteria'.

Fehl looked around, seeing if anyone was alone like her. She found Ceto and Cypher sitting alone. She thought she deserved to be next

to someone while eating; meaning she felt lonely, she walked over with her food and sat down across from Cypher with her Pokemon. "Hello again

ghost trainer." she said with a warm smile. " I never did catch your name... oh wait" she shut her eyes for a second and when she opened them she smiled and said "Ah, Cypher is your name, correct?" She stared and then went back to eating.

Ceto looked around. He saw almost everyone eating together, he shrugged, he would rather sit with his Pokemon than

sit with strangers. He smiled at his Pokemon, he was glad to be with the only connection he had with his parents around,

and slightly, just slightly, they reminded him of his parents, his mother usually quiet and his father usually calm and both sophisticated as can be.

He shed a tear, he missed his parents.

** Can you guys post longer sentences, one liners are so boring!, at least a paragraph would do it!**

"Yes, obviously your a man of few words, you haven't said anything very long to listen to since I have met you!"

She smiled and then without moving her hands lifted the spoon of soup to her mouth and began to eat, telepathically. "So, have you met anyone you like?" She smiled, already

knowing the answer, teasing him as she went on.

I'm not going to post a paragraph, but I'll try and make it longer.

"Well, I don't know. Everyone seems alright, although I don't really know anyone yet. How bout you?" Cypher asked, not noticing her eating telepathically. He took his spoon and tried the soup, and liked it so he took another bite.

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