The Elite 16


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Seeing that Sarah was waving at her, Fiore waved back when she felt something nudging her legs. Vesta was urging her trainer to go socialize. "Okay, okay." She made her way over to Sarah. "Hello."

Fehl walked off the boat, down the ramp and into the lobby. "Hello, I am the Psychi-" She was cut short by the middle class man behind the counter. "Yeah yeah, here is your key!" He tossed it to her and made a hand gesture that told her to go along now. She made a face and walked off in the direction of her room. "Room 3, the magic number, how wonderful!" she walked inside and set her things down on her table/night stand near the bunk. "Not that anyone will care, but I get bottom!" She jumped on to bottom with a carrying case that looked like this:

( Except with only Pokeballs in it.) She pulled out all three of them and tossed them out. "Come out Jade,Obsidian and Amethyst!" Out came Jade the Reuniclus, Obsidian the Gothita and Amethyst the Smoochum. She smiled, "I love you guys!" She squeezed them all and then got down in the bunk. "Yawn!" she yawned and stirred in her bed, obviously it wasn't night yet, but she was very tired!

"FINALLY!" Iceto got off the boat and into the lobby, got his key and opened the door to ghosty boy, Cypher. "Hey dude, I think this is my room... Cool!" He smiled and let down his bags. He pulled a wooden bod with a blue snowflake design on it and pulled out two Pokeballs. "Come on out Queeny and Kingslet!" A Frosslas and a Glalie came from the Pokeballs, instantly they snuggled together. "Aww, Icey love!" He chuckled and watched some more.

"T-this one, I swear- okay, this must be wrong." Zoë muttered as another boy appeared. She doubled back, checking the two numbers a few times before shaking her head. "I have no idea! I was one of the last to get my key so... at least we're only here for one night!"

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"Yeah, guess you're right." Cypher said, trying to not make things any more awkward. "So...what's your name?" he asked Zoë.

"I'm Zoë. Nice to meet you." Zoë smiled, moving over and hesistating before sitting down on the third bed, a small single underneath the window. Hm, not bad. "What's yours? And correct me if I'm wrong, but you look like a... ghost or dark type trainer?"

"I'm Cypher, and I'm a ghost type trainer." he told Zoë. "Although I only have one ghost type. He added with a small laugh.

"Ha, I see!" Zoë grinned, zipping up her hooded jacket. As she did so she covered up the dragon fang on her necklace, which made her think of something. "Have a guess at what type of trainer I am."

"Clever." Zoë smiled, picking the fang up and playing with it for a few moments before dropping it. "Most people generally go with Grass or Flying. Apparently I don't ;look' like a Dragon trainer."

"That's what most people say after I've battled them!" Zoë giggled, making herself more comfortable on the bed. "Is it hard training ghost types? I've never really tried..."

"Well, Gengar was weird. When I caught Clefable, he started to follow me all over, not leaving me alone until I caught him. They can be quirky, it's hard to catch them, but they're very loyal after you do."

"Dragons are powerhouses, and don't they know it." Zoë laughed. "You gotta treat them right. Thankfully all of mine like me - I'd hate to be dragon-clawed!"

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Zoë frowned, tilting her head. "What, is he just... disobedient? It happens, dude, don't beat yourself up about it!"

"It's not that. He actually attacks me. And he wasn't like that when he was a Drowsee." Cypher sighed, looking down.

"Oh god." Zoë winced. "Ever thought of giving him a friendship item? Like, a sooth bell or something?" She shrugged. "It might help..."

"That really sucks." Zoë sighed, before getting up. "Okay, I think I'm gonna find a Pokemart and stock up."

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