Well-known member
TGIF peoples....
so. Artemis is gone. Epic Toes is paused still as a little mushroom. And Satoru is mametchi. My plan failed. -.-; Because he was asleep for most of the day, I didn't have enough time to give him the care misses he needed to be Shinshitchi. I almost had one care miss when he evolved during dinner. -.- That's okay though. Mametchi is really cute on the iDL. ^_^ So, this morning when he was still a Hanikamatchi, he was all brown. I guess I forgot to give him a bath yesterday. Oops. Before he took his bath, he went outside to see what his plant was. It was snowing, and the plant was a pickle
Or a cucumber, as my family was debating about. I call it a pickle. Anyway, then he took a bath. Once I had eaten breakfast and stuff I had some extra time so he cleaned his house. :3 That was about it until later, when I woke him up. I pretty much ignored him and almost had a care miss when he evolved into mametchi. After that he tried on his afro xDDD which is awesome, by the way. I think he should wear it at his wedding.
Then I remembered that the chemistry set was one of his happy symbols, so he went and bought it at the tama depa. He did a little experiment, adding this and that, and it exploded.
Shut up.
But then it magically turned into a bunch of flowers, and he got his first happy symbol! Yays your happy meter is bigger now. After that he took a bath.
Soooooo now what?
We can play with my chemistry set!
I'm not sure if that's such a good idea with these people.
Oooh! Cool! Can we make something toxic?
We could, I guess.
Yay! What do we mix in?
Well, we should add the chemical compound-
Okay! I'll put in some bubblegum and some ice cream and some mini M&Ms!
Hey no fair my turn to put stuff in! Let's put this pine tree and a pencil sharpener and a tire!
HEY DON'T YOU DARE FORGET ABOUT THE KING OF EPICNESS I want to add some pizza and a fire extinguisher and a chair!
Excuse me, I would like to add something.
Go ahead. It hasn't blown up yet, surprisingly.
I shall add a burrito from my stapler.
*tube starts sizzling*
Uh oh.
*everyone flies backwards*
Oww burritos aren't even explosive what gives?
Hey look! It's raining skittles!
But how?
I don't know.
*comes into room*
Eww what's that smell- SKITTLES!!
I guess this experiment wasn't a failure after all!
I'll probably find the other happy symbols (the kurumi pan and crown) tomorrow or later tonight if Satoru stays awake long enough. Thank you for reading! Please PM us with comments or whatever and have an awesome night!
so. Artemis is gone. Epic Toes is paused still as a little mushroom. And Satoru is mametchi. My plan failed. -.-; Because he was asleep for most of the day, I didn't have enough time to give him the care misses he needed to be Shinshitchi. I almost had one care miss when he evolved during dinner. -.- That's okay though. Mametchi is really cute on the iDL. ^_^ So, this morning when he was still a Hanikamatchi, he was all brown. I guess I forgot to give him a bath yesterday. Oops. Before he took his bath, he went outside to see what his plant was. It was snowing, and the plant was a pickle

Shut up.
But then it magically turned into a bunch of flowers, and he got his first happy symbol! Yays your happy meter is bigger now. After that he took a bath.
Soooooo now what?
We can play with my chemistry set!
I'm not sure if that's such a good idea with these people.
Oooh! Cool! Can we make something toxic?
We could, I guess.
Yay! What do we mix in?
Well, we should add the chemical compound-
Okay! I'll put in some bubblegum and some ice cream and some mini M&Ms!
Hey no fair my turn to put stuff in! Let's put this pine tree and a pencil sharpener and a tire!
HEY DON'T YOU DARE FORGET ABOUT THE KING OF EPICNESS I want to add some pizza and a fire extinguisher and a chair!
Excuse me, I would like to add something.
Go ahead. It hasn't blown up yet, surprisingly.
I shall add a burrito from my stapler.
*tube starts sizzling*
Uh oh.
*everyone flies backwards*
Oww burritos aren't even explosive what gives?
Hey look! It's raining skittles!
But how?
I don't know.
*comes into room*
Eww what's that smell- SKITTLES!!
I guess this experiment wasn't a failure after all!
I'll probably find the other happy symbols (the kurumi pan and crown) tomorrow or later tonight if Satoru stays awake long enough. Thank you for reading! Please PM us with comments or whatever and have an awesome night!