The Button Room!


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You melt... (jimmythej)

I press the 'Secrets Powers' button, hoping that it would rewind to page 103! (On 40 post view)

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Weird powers are given to all people in the room

I use max post veiw too! (it's weird sometimes though...)

I press the cheese button

A saying turns teal, the moon turns to cheese (It's too far away to get it!)

I press the rocket button hoping that we could reach the cheese

the button room blasts off in the general direction of the moon.

I press the panic button.

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you panic and make me appear at earth

I press the earth button (Hoping to blow up the earth)

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an anti-planet missile hits the Earth (Thank You George Bush! XD XD XD)

I press the yellow submarine button

everybody gives you a tamagotchi!!!!!

i pressed the !@#$%^&*()_+|

A hatch opens in the wall and a giant TV screen is there and a remote control. Xiolin Showdown is on

I press a button on the remote

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