The Button Room!


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'The Crazy Frog' is played in such a way as to make it feel like there are many frogs.

I eat my goo. then I press the 'Killer Zombies are our friends!' Button.

A recording of that sound is played. curious, I press the 'man being eaten by crocadile' button.

It's poison I say! poison!

I drink the poison. I fall onto the infinite impossibility drive button.

you get a drivers license then get so exited you immecdiately go on a drive, but you crash and your car blows up with you in it

Clowns throw custard pies at you untill either: 1) they run out of pies or 2)you stop breathing

They call it 'Trial by custard pies' o_O

I press the 'Chicken song' button.

Stars fall from the ceiling. Ninja stars I tells ya! Ninja stars! oww... pointy....

I press the 'I never knew stars could be ninjas too...' button.

And someone starts to tell you facts about stars.

I push the ice-cream button and....

Some guy from McDonalds gives you a McFlurry. Then he asks if you want fries with that o_O

I press the 'Eject core' button. This should be interesting.

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