The Button Room!


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a man comes from a hatch in the wall, screaming "The clowns! oh, the clowns..." evil clowns are following him.

I press the "that isn't funny..." button.

I have no idea what happened, exept it involved a gopher, a tennis court, and a plastic surgeon...

I press the 'be prepared' button.

A guy comes and attempts to cut out your brain to suck on it but instead he held the knife the wrong way and sliced his own finger off! The thumb!

I press the "jimmythej's really lucky" button.

the button sprays you with laughing gas.

I press the kirby shaped button that says "Kirby alert!"

there is this weird noise... like 'warp enigineering 02' on iMovie HD... and then 'warp enginnering 04'... then the universe shrivels up.

I press the 'help for I am being evaporated as I press this button!' button.

Edit: *blasted typo removed* *W swapped for w*

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a hatch opens above you, with DS lites falling through it. They're supprisinly heavy.

I press the button with a picture of radioactive goo on it-Mmmm... radioactive goo...

iPods come out of slots in the wall. I plug one into the sound system and there are funnny electrical noises.

I press the 'give me radioactive goo now' button. I want my goo darnit!

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