Asher paused to get a drink of water from his bottle. "I guess you're already used to it a little bit. I mean, it's not
quite the same thing as with Cody, but.. Well, they don't really know what it is, only that my mind likes to work.. differently. Right now I'm at the hospital about once every three weeks- I'm their guinea pig, if you like- and they run some tests to try and figure out what's.. what's wrong with me." He pursed his lips before taking another sip of water to clear the dryness in his throat. He hated going there, he hated being around those people who just pried into his life like he was some sort of experiment for them. Not being a sociable person -which was also due to.. whatever it was that he had- didn't help, either. Jus thinking about them sometimes made him angry, which wasn't like him. "I remember things completely that I've seen only once.. I'm often afraid of talking or being physically close to people I don't know.. My life has to have order, to an extent, and if it doesn't it frustrates me, sometimes to the point of anger." He looked at his watch and the shook his head. "But I'm so confused at the moment. Right now, I should have eaten all my lunch ten minutes ago, since it's only cheese sandwich day, and then I should be sitting in the same spot I always do on the other side of the school, but I don't mind. Yesterday night, it should have been the night we have mexican - once every couple of weeks, on that night- and then I watch TV for a while before I do as I please at home. But last night I wasn't at home. I didn't eat Mexican. I wasn't with Sam or Mom or Dad. I was with you, eating dinner and dancing. But yesterday wasn't supposed to be that way because I
always do the same thing on that day.." Speaking the thoughts in his head made him even more confused- and it probably didn't make much sense to Morgan, either-, and he paused yet again, before he said softly, "But it didn't bother me. I had fun. With another person. I held your hand, I kissed you. And I didn't mind." He bit his lip and sighed, fumbling with the bottle of water in his hands while he tried to clear his mind. "Sorry.. I.. I've never.. Told anyone before."
Eh, no problem. There's probably not a lot else she could say to "It's cheese sandwich day." Haha

Ah, I just realised it's MLK day.
That's why you're off school.