the baby tama on a quest to find his lost mom tama


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and mama was suddenly submerced in the thick,gooey rabbit pop,all billy could do was stand there and watch his mother being eatin by the giaint poop,which actually turned out to be a giant kuribotchi!billies mama was not coming bak,unless...

he went in there to get her. So he went in there but he couldn't find her then..

wen he noticed the poop smelt really nice...then he saw his mamma eating it!ewwwwwwww mama wot r u doing!he said. its chocolate billy!we have to eat out way out!she said while happily munching chocolate.thats wen billy new what day it was...easter!that would explain the giant bunny!but...

but it turned 12:00 so easter was over he missed it so he............

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