The Adventures of my Tama!


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May 31, 2007
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Hello everyone welcome to my tamagotchi log. It is all about how my tamagotchi is getting on. I have a white v4 with pink flowers and green leaves on. I am on generation 1 and i have a baby boy called PLUTO who should hopefully evolve into a child soon. I am really hoping for a Harutchi! :D It was so sweet when he hatched, i think he was shy with me at first because he started to cry, but he is OK now. I gave him the playhouse, slide and all the other 5 cheat codes and he was very happy about that. I havent yet been on because i thought that i should tell you all about PLUTO first! But i will go on it soon because i know that PLUTO really loves it. Im gonna go now. Ill probably play jumping rope and go on tamatown. Ill post soon!

Good Bye


PS. PLUTO just evolved into a Mizutamatchi. He looks cute. Ill try and get a Harutchi next generation!


Me and PLUTO just came off of tamatown because PLUTO was bursting to go. I showed him all the town hot spots and i showed where he will be going to school soon. He was very interested. We got the 3 souvenirs which are the PASSPORT, BROCHURE and the POSTER2. But before we came back home PLUTO went into the arcade because he wanted to play a few games. He played the claw game, the game where you throw the hoop, watched car racing (Kuchipatchi won 2 times!), PLUTO was cheering on Kuchipatchi, i think that was why he won. Then finally he played football. I kicked the ball most of the time though because PLUTO was to small. After all that fun we went to the food court and both got a drink. Unfortunatly all the tables were full so we had to stand. Then we came home and PLUTO fell straight asleep so i am writing my log now before he wakes up. Ooo PLUTO just woke up he wants to say something...

"Hi everyone, Tamalova7 just took me to tamatown and i had such a great time. I cant wait until i can go to pre-school. Tamalova7 says that you get to do some dancing. bye x"

Ill post soon or tomorrow!

Good Bye



About 10 minutes ago the pre-school teacher came. I think her name is Mrs Frill. Anyway she met PLUTO and they became good friends. Now that the teacher has come PLUTO is bursting to go on tamatown again so he can see this teacher again, meet his new class mates and dance. I said i will take him later though because he is explore tamatalk. So far he has found the fun stuff area and has been playing on that. He has been looking at the tama codes area because he wants some new items. But the page he likes most is the tama logs area. He said he likes looking at how other peoples tama's are getting on. PLUTO wants to talk now. Here he is...

"Hello everyone. Guess what? I go to pre-school now and my teacher is called Mrs Frill, i think. I cant wait to meet my new class mates. Tamalova7 can we go on tamatown now??"

Oh alright i guess we can but we cant spend to much money because we need to keep some.

"Yay thanks. Ill talk to you when we get back! Bye x"

Yeah we will post when we get back from tamatown. Speak to you then.

Good Bye


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[SIZE=14pt]TAMATOWN![/SIZE] :hitodetchi:

Me and PLUTO just got back from tama town and boy was it full. There were loads of people crowding around the Theatre. I think the new film must of come out, i didnt go in though it was packed. Anyway PLUTO met his new class mates and made great friends with a Petitchi and a Mohitamatchi. They were both very sweet. He danced 2 times which i agree was very good and we won 400p each time. So we won 800p all together. But i am off tama town now because Hollyoaks has started on E4 so i am posting quick! PLUTO wants to say something quick...

"Hello, its me again. I had great fun on tamatown again today and i am hoping that we can go tomorrow too. I have to go now Tamalova7 and I want to watch Hollyoaks. Bye x"

We will post probably soon or tomorrow.

Good Bye


[SIZE=14pt]PLUTO'S STATUS![/SIZE] :hitodetchi:

Hello everyone. I think that i should show you all PLUTO's status for the day because i havent done it yet. I have decided that i will show the status every evening so that you can see how PLUTO is getting on. Here are his stats...

HUNGRY - ****

HAPPY - ****





AGE - 0yrs

WEIGHT - 50Lb (needs to loose some weight)


GENDER - boy


POINTS - 1500p

I have been playing mimic quite a bit to get some skill points. But i am going to play it loads more because i would really like him to evolve into a good teenager and adult and i would also like him to get a good job. Also i need to play more games because PLUTO is 50lb and needs to loose some weight. Before i go PLUTO wants to talk...

"Hello. Me and Tamalova7 just finished watching Hollyoaks, but i wont start talking about that. I have asked Tamalova7 if we can go to Tamatown tomorrow and she said yes so i am very excited. I have to go now because i fall asleep at 7:00pm so i have to get ready. Ill speak to you tomorrow. Bye x"

Yeah im gonna go now. Ill probably reply soon or tomorrow.

Good Bye


[SIZE=14pt]GOOD NIGHT![/SIZE] :lol:

I was wrong PLUTO fell asleep at 8:00pm instead of 7:00pm. He looks so cute when he sleeps. Anyway i woke him back up afterwards though because he was hungry and unhappy. So i woke him up and fed him a baguette (bread/roll) and a nice fresh orange which he enjoyed. I thought, well he is awake now so i might as well make the most of it and i played mimic 2 times and jumping rope 3 times. But about 10 minutes ago i put him back to bed because he looked very tired after a long day of visiting tamatown, exploring tama talk and playing lots of games. By the way PLUTO told me to tell you all... "Good Night!" Im gonna go now because the computer is being turned off soon. Ill probably reply tomorrow in the morning or something.

Good Bye

:D :D :D :D :hitodetchi: :D

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Good Morning Tamalovers i hope your tamagotchi's had a nice sleep. PLUTO woke up about 40 minutes ago so he isnt exactly wide awake yet. I have played mimic only once because he has just woken up i always loose on round 6 of mimic. If you know how many rounds there are on mimic can you pm me please (dont leave replies on my log please). Anyway i have promised PLUTO that i will take him to tamatown today because he wants to go dancing and he said that he really wants to watch the car racing again. Ill probably take him later because he needs to have his breakfast, go to the loo ,have a bath if he wants to and brush his teeth. I am hoping that this afternoon PLUTO will evolve into a teenager. I have worked out by looking at the v4 growth chart that he should either evolve into a Gurumetchi or a Hinotamatchi (the meme family). Which i am quite pleased about. Or either a Young Kuchipatchi or a Oniontchi from the Kuchi family. I like those characters too. Im gonna go onto to tamatown now. PLUTO wants to say something before we go...

"Good Morning everyone, i had a great sleep last night. I cant wait until we go to tamatown in a minute i am so excited. I really want Kuchipatchi to win the car racing, he is the best. I have to go now. Bye x"

We will post when we get back from tamatown. Thats if PLUTO wants to leave tama town! tee hee!

Good Bye


PS. Its the first of june!!

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Me and PLUTO just got back from tamatown and it was great fun. First i took PLUTO to pre-school and he danced 3 times and we managed to win 1000p. We got 400p on the first 2 games then 200p on the 3rd because we did some wrong. After that we went to the arcade and played all the games there. First we played the claw game, lost the first time but managed to get 300p the second time. Then we played Ring Toss and won first time. We got another 300p! Next we went and played tama soccer (football). We lost on the first penalty shoots, but managed to win 200p on the second go! Yay! Then finally we had to go and watch the car racing. we watched it 4 times. Kuchipatchi won 3 times, so we lost. But thankfully on the 4th go we managed to win 100p! After all that gaming we went to the Food Court and got a drink. PLUTO wants to talk quickly...

"Hello again. Me and Tamalova7 just got back from tamatown. It was great fun. I cant wait until i evolve into a teenager. Tamalova7 showed me the Elementry school and it looks really cool. Apparently i get to choose the teacher i get. Cool! I have to go now. Bye x"

Yeah i am going to go and play mimic and jumping rope a few times. Ill probably reply soon when PLUTO evolves!

Good Bye



Hello again. I came back just to show you something that i got from the pre-school in tamatown. You know when you play the dancing game. Well it has 4 rounds on each game and i have the codes for 3 of them here they are... If they dont work then it obviously has different codes for every username!


1.^^ - Jump, Jump

2.^^< - Jump, Jump, Left

3.>^^> - Right, Jump, Jump, Right

4.<<>>> - Left, Left, Right, Right, Right


1.^< - Jump, Left

2.^^^ - Jump, Jump, Jump

3.>><< - Right, Right, Left, Left

4.^^<>> - Jump, Jump, Left, Right, Right


1.<> - Left, Right

2.><> - Right, Left, Right

3.<>>^ - Left, Right, Right, Jump

4.>>><< - Right, Right, Right, Left, Left

I hope they help. If not then oh well i tried. I have been looking on both tamatalk and tama-zone for more cheat codes and passwords. But the only ones i can seem to find are the 5 shop codes and the playhouse + slide. I will carry on looking later. Before i go PLUTO wants to speak...

"Hello everyone, i hope that the codes help you. Anyway i really love my playhouse + slide, it is so much fun. I like hiding in the playhouse and Tamalova7 can never find me. Its funny. Im gonna go and play on my slide now. Bye x"

Yeah im gonna go and put PLUTO on the slide and play jumping rope and mimic. Ill post soon when PLUTO evolves, or if ive been on tamatown.

Good Bye


[SIZE=14pt]A BABY BOY![/SIZE] ;)

Hello! About 20 minutes ago i reset my sisters v4. He was so sweet when he hatched. He wasnt as shy as PLUTO was because he didnt cry. But he still looks so cute. I named him MARS! because i was eating 1 at the time. Yum Yum!! Anyway i connected both PLUTO and MARS! and they both made friends. I have been playing Mimic and Jumping rope alot and so PLUTO is loosing more weight, which is good because i dont want him 2 over weight. I just got mail and it was a fortune cookie here is what it said...

MONEY - ***

LOVE - *


Im very pleased about the money. That means i will hopefully get some money from the tama king. Or get more money if i complete a mini game. Im gonna play a game now and i hope i get a lot of money for it. Ill post soon when PLUTO evolves!

Good Bye


PS. I wont write about MARS! in this log!


Hello everyone! Just now about 2 minutes ago PLUTO evolved from a child to a teenager! Now he is a really really cute GURUMETCHI! The school teacher hasnt come yet, but i think i am going to choose Mr. Canvas to be his teacher so that he can evolve into a Shimasimatchi. I havent had 1 of them before so i am quite glad about that. Here is Pluto...

"Hello everyone, I evolved into a really sweet character that i love. Im gonna have Mr. Canvas as my teacher as well. Bye x"

Yeah im gonna go now ill reply soon when the school teacher comes!

Good Bye


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[SIZE=14pt]TAMATOWN![/SIZE] :lol:

Hello everyone. Me and PLUTO just came off of tamatown and we had such a great time! First i took PLUTO to Elementry school to meet his new class mates and teacher. His teacher is Mr. Canvas. He played clean up 3 times and won 100p. Then he did the tama wordsearch 4 times and won 200p each time. (800p total). Then he played tama typing and won 300p. Next i took him to the Arcade and played Claw and won 300p. Then he played Ring Toss and won 300p. Then we played tama soccer (football) and won 200p from that. Then finally we watched the car racing 2 times and won 100p because Mametchi won. After a long day we went to the food Court and got a drink. PLUTO wants to talk now.

"Hello, i had a great time at tamatown just now. It was so much fun. I won 2100p in total! I cant wait until we go back because i can see my school friends again and spend my money in the mall! Bye x"

Yeah Ill post soon for PLUTO's status.

Good Bye



Hello. Im here to show you PLUTO's status for the day. Here they are...

HUNGRY - ****






AGE - 1yrs



GENDER - boy


POINTS - 7745p

PLUTO has already fallen asleep and he told me to say to you all "Good Night"! Im gonna go noe because i am in the middle of watching Big Brother. Ill reply tomorrow!

Good Bye

:lol: :( :D :D :) :p

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Hello everyone, sorry i didnt post this morning. Well last night i lost my tama and couldnt find it, so this morning when i found it PLUTO had a skull and 3 poo's. But he is feeling much better now! Today i have been playing mimic and taking PLUTO to school loads to get loads of skill points. He hasnt got many though. So i am going to have to play games much much more! But i am doing good with the Gotchi points i have 8700p and about 10 minutes ago i got 1500p from the king. Which is very good. PLUTO wants to talk because we are going on tama town in a minute...

"Hello everyone, i cant wait until we go to tama town. YIPPEE!! I have to go now Tamalova7 says we have to go soon so it doesnt get to packed! Bye x"

Yeah we will post when we get back.

Good Bye



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