TamaTalk's memory is stolen!


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The tiger bit tamakimmy's leg. Y, me watched with horror. Everyone sat back. Then, Dr. Tama and I Love Mametchi! Remembered the BB Guns, and they shot the tiger. The tiger was stunned. Carefully, Y and Shilo pulled hard on tamakimmy, and the leg came out, blooodied up.

Medi jumped into a blackm portal.And came back."This this place is so awsome"she said.Everyone jumped in.

It was a crazy place filled with candy. They were all hungry. But Y only ate the Low Fat Candy. Soon, Medi had a cavity, and was crying. Deer sat down, still licking giant lollipops. I Love Mametchi! was hungrily feasting on a chocolate wafer. Tamakimmy meanwhile, lay forgotten, crawling around to eat some tiny hard candies. Dr. Tama hungrily ate some cookies, hggti was tearing down a gummy, Shilo was eating a delicous lollipop the size of clouds. PSGM was chomping down a giant gibgerbread cookie. pmst was woofing down a delicous wafer. The ywere pleased. But then, there was a loud choking noise..

It was the tiger! They all hid in some candy that led to....

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hggti:this must be tamachat! I will press the back button. *press's back* whoa! we are in...

Shilo, I love Mametchi were investigating the new demention, which was a ninja school, in the something something. A school boy named Rantaro ran across the field, and saw them. "OH!" "DOI SENSEI!" A older adult came running.

hggti said: "He's saying that he saw a flash of light! I will ask him where he saw it."

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