I have seen the commercial on tamagotchi.com it is good quality. The thing I liked about this commerical is only one girl was playing with a tamagotchi. And they had cute animations but should of had more pixel pics the reason I say that is beccuase some 1 new to tamagotchis might go " oh it is not pixels it is just anoimations on the tamagotchi" if i were new to tamagotchis I wouls have thought that. I dislike when the girl was on the tama expo she had a cheesy face on you could tell it was fake. The thing I like about the v5 is it is 3 characters, new games, new items ect... the thing I dislike is not knowing their age weight that kind of stuff and the boding part. I wonder what the v5 will be like I also like how when you buy the tama it comes in a house box with a fence. I also like the chimney on the actual tam. What I like to do is find a empty box and buy spoges and cut the into beds and chair and make sunroofs for them and I also make my own cases for them I cut fabric and stitch it togheth also so older toys like polly pcoket cars the can fir in so I put em in that. Bye