Tamagotchi two, toot toot!


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Thanks tama soda. :wacko:

I think someone mentioned that tip before, but it never works... I always press the b button, and get different ones. I think it only works on V1 ConneXion, but thnks for the thought. :D Ill try it out again. :p

Anyway, my cho jisnei became a Young Mametchi, and its so cutewhen it walks up.

As it had more kindness points, it gets mister canvas-head and got a beret ad a what? A rubber. o_O It got 20 GUT points of kindness and quite a few of style and intelligence. It still has low numbers (I was playing too much nintendogs and radiocontrolled helicopters and "Peach Karts" on it. XD) I also hope to get Tensaitchi, the genius, but I dont guess ill be that lucky. ;)

My oher taamgotchis evolved too-

V2 1-Nikatchi

V2 2-Onionthci

V1 2-Hinotamatchi

V2 3-Nikatchi

V1 1-Oniontchi

Well, I should have mentioned this DAYS ago-My Cho Jinsei became....

YAY!!! A Mametchi!!!! It's so awesome. All I had to do then was earn 200+ IQ points, get a scientist job, get to 999 points and wait for three days and Id get the secret character. :ph34r:

Anyway, going by bits so the log doesnt look weird, I managed all that and I was offered three jobs. I picked the first one which was the longest. The judges said yes, and the king came and gave me a... MAGNIFYING GLASS!!! I was a scients-yay!

I was offered a dinosaur and a maid from the matchmaker-but I said no. :ph34r:

Finally, today...

I got TENSAITCHI!!! YAY! All of a sudden-I heard the evolution noise.

I grasped a pencil and held it by the reset button just in case it was a voyage to oldie stage-but no...

It was this strange sideparting Mamaetchi with goggles and a lab coat-Tensaitchi the genius. :ph34r:

I was successful at getting the char I wanted-YAY!!!

I couldnt help noticing its goggles got spirals in them and its such an awesome character-although mametchis quite a bit cuter. Still, I called the matchmaker with this brainbox and was offered what I wanted-a Memetchi, with which I got my first GIRL MAMEZOKU!!


Typical, I leave the log section, and then, a piercing evolution tune-My v1 1 is becoming a Gozarutchi.

My other V1 was paused a little longer accidentally, so itll take a day or two longer to evolve. It did ask for two extra training bars (although its full).

^^ :ph34r: :D :D ^^

Anyway, I decided to provide the code of the gogs guy:



Try it out on e-tamago! He looks just the same in pixels. XD

I shall upload some pictures of him soon!

I also changed V2 2s batteries cos it was out of them. I got Nyorotchi back...

Well-I decided to feed V2 3 some love potion and after a snog or two, Nyorotchi (V2 2) and Kiwitchi had two shiropuchitchi's!!

I also saw Tensaitchi (konnichiwa) off and it was such a lovely scene-the floating cradle, the crying nerd. XD

I tried to take a pciture-but my camera wouldnt let me (insufficient battery)

So... I couldnt immortalise the moment.

I am now looking for new names!

Well-I decided on YUKIGOTCHI which is like snowgotchi cos YUKIKO is snow child, KO is child so YUKI is snow-and GOTCHI well...

Anyway, my lovely style Memezoku, with its too bobs, got looked after till medicine point-then I paused it. x_x

At last, or lastish! Today my V2 turned from Puchitchi boy to Marutchi to young Mametchi! I can hardly believe that because yesterday my Marutchi got tooith ache around seven times! My V1 turned into the Gozarutchi I wanted though now I regret it because I saw it pooping so I rushed it to the toilet but it had already done it! Grrrrrr!
Ya right! You're tama could not have gone into a potchichi, then marutchi, and then young mimitchi! It's obviously a lie, for attention! I hate it when ppl do this! It's so annoying.

But you are completely switching topics, carry on.......................


Cool that.

That reply wasnt exactl necessary. I said Puchitchi, which is a boy. :ichigotchi: And well, isnt it you switching topics? Anyway, Ill keep my bad temper down 8I have bellyache) and come to announce my news:

Evolution of Cho Jinsei!!!

Into erm... A weird thing with legs and a pony-tail. XD

I'll look up the name in a sec adn provide the e-tamago code. XD

Cool! There's something new in the gamecenter!!! It appears to be soemthing printable. Your character etc... You can choose background and otherthings, adn the name, but I dont know Japanese. Anyone know anything more 'bout this?


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