I'm also sorry for posting so much on this. Jeez, I know. I'm annoying but I come here to inform everyone who doesn't know the true power of google search.
So let's start off with the news.
Good news: I was right! And It was a guess too! But what I was right about will be in bad news. Tamagotchis M!x will have download content just like the 4U/+ Models! These include games and Items, and you can only exchange so much at a time. This also means that Tamagotchi M!x have IR ports to connect with each other and exchange items and etc!
Bad news: Bad news is I was right, which i was sort of hoping not to be the case. Looks like Tamagotchi M!x can have download content, it will not be in the same way like the Tamagotchi 4U/+.. Instead it will be done on a Tamagotchi M!x station which are located in Japanese stores only.
For more information regrading this, check out this link (Don't worry, It's english
lol-what? The Tamagotchi trend is slowly dying. Well has been since 2000 and it's a miracle that they keep making these little guys! But they lost a great amount on the Tamagotchi 4U/+ so though these new models features brand new mechanics, they cannot afford to install all of these with NFC, therefore they had to still include the download content somehow without giving them built-in NFC. How was this done? Tamagotchi m!x stations. Since these are meant to be sold in japan, it wouldn't hurt to find alternative ways to give download content. And hey, they were right. Think about this. Your a person with a tamagotchi in japan, going to get some reman in a department store. I'll just bring my tamagotchi m!x to get a new wallpaper.
Woah, theres a line at the mix station?! Hey.. these people also have tamagotchis.... want to connect?
Boom, that's a first time attempt at growing the tamagotchi community and having them connect.
What about us though? Nooope! But don't feel bad.we saw this coming. But hey maybe they'll put
1 m!x station in a highly populated area in America, but it'll probably be in new york or something. Would you actually make a trip just to use it if they actually did?!
Anyway, hope this helps you guys! And hey, it never hurts to literally type in "Tamgotchi mix station" in google. I'm serious! That's all I literally did.