Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark


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Hey, that's pretty cool both of them have exclusive things outside of just characters! Maybe they'll even have different games you think?

A tamagotchi fan on instagram named @tama.time released this picture:


I guess that is the menu then it looks weird for me now but I would probably get used to it

It's true, the menu might take getting used to, but it's a welcome change. The new menu free up a bunch of unused screen space and you no longer have to worry about your icon bars coordinating with your wallpaper anymore.

The menu is quite different.
actually that is the screen for the icon bar settings so its likely they'll still have a wallpaper function just only popping up when you press a button. either that or its to rearrange the order of the buttons?? I wonder though, what the heck is the house and train icons for?? we already have a door icon! at least they made the medicine button again!!

Does anyone know if the price is likely to increase after product launch or is it likely to stay the same? I was comparing the preorder prices and noticed that HLJ and amiami only sells preorder m!x at 4589 Japanese yen (around USD 44) and other sites selling at USD 61. Unfortunately preorder has closed for both HLJ and amiami. I am sitting on the fence about ordering from the other site now cos I can get another m!x from HLJ if I top up a little bit more.

Any advice based on past experience?

I also can't make up my mind about getting pink or purple melody versions. Which would you choose?

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It's true, the menu might take getting used to, but it's a welcome change. The new menu free up a bunch of unused screen space and you no longer have to worry about your icon bars coordinating with your wallpaper anymore.
This is quite a good point

The second portion of this page (the one with the purple background and all of the characters, in case it moves) says you get to go out to other towns and improve your relationships. There are 8 locations listed, and they are:

  1. Rainbow Hills
  2. Gozaru Village (ninja and samurai themed)
  3. Berry Town
  4. Space Station? (Just guessing because it's covered up by the other box, but I think it says space-something)
  5. Tamagotchi Town
  6. Patchi Forest
  7. Flower Hills
  8. Mermaid Palace
The second portion of this page (the one with the purple background and all of the characters, in case it moves) says you get to go out to other towns and improve your relationships. There are 8 locations listed, and they are:

  1. Rainbow Hills
  2. Gozaru Village (ninja and samurai themed)
  3. Berry Town
  4. Space Station? (Just guessing because it's covered up by the other box, but I think it says space-something)
  5. Tamagotchi Town
  6. Patchi Forest
  7. Flower Hills
  8. Mermaid Palace
so you're now basically able to access all of tamagotchi planet compared to versions being area specific like the ID being based on tamastreet and P's on dreamtown

number 4 that you said is spacy land but it's only available on the spacy ver and melodyland on the melody ver

also a new feature is when you meet other characters in towns they are added to your friend list and you can check how close your tama is to them!

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So apparently It's said that there are million possbitlies of outcomes of mixed offsprings and that it may also take traits of grandparents. A family tree that features up to 20 generations. And that the main tamagotchis sort of act as say for example your prime colors, and create more as you mix them. But is it really true to be. And would it means we end up in deadends? (Mixing too many colours results in black)

I don't think anyone has posted this in this thread yet, so here you go! I found it among the photos on the Tamagotchi Wikia. If I need to take it down just let me know!

Just found out there are just as many tamagotchis as that. AAAAAAAAAA

The Ninja gene is so strong


from a famitsu article it shows a couple new bits of info

firstly it shows the new generation icon that expands downward as a family tree and shows each tama you've raised+ their spouse to see who they've mixed from.

it also shows a hybrid mamekuchipatchi proposing to decoratchi in a sweets town which could either be a location or very well just a background.

the interesting thing from this article is it mentions that among the 27 main characters there are over 10 thousand possible mixture combinations!!! which is probably to promote the generation aspect of the toy and convince kids to keep rasing characters over and over for there is guaranteed a different outcome each time!

Connection news!!:

so in the article it also mentions that per usual item exchange and marriage mixing can occur in this tamagotchi but a new connection feature is the M!X fortune telling option! this allows you to pre see what kind of tamagotchi you and your friend's tamagotchi would raise if they were to get married!!

items games etc in the station will also change seasonally per usual!

also an important note from watching the cm for the M!X and reading this article it seems while you can propose to new characters in the tamagotchi station creating a new character you cannot obtain new main characters!

For example if your tama propsed to tropicatchi in the M!X station, the next tamagotchi you raise will have a mix between your tama and tropicatchi's gene pool but you cannot get tropicatchi's data and raise a tropicatchi like on the 4U/+!

this may not be true but from the info given this is looking like the case!

if you guys read this guy's post and clicked the link and translated the text, most of your questions would've been answered.
One, it explains there are downloads such as games and items. Also it explained that there are at least 10,000 possibilities of outcome per one of the main 28(27?) Tamagotchis. Your gotchi may inherent traits even from It's ancestors. So I'm thinking.. Once you get about say.. 16 Generations, the outcome will most likely be random between all the past-16 generations. Though It's most likely that it will take traits from their parents, but just saying.. this isn't always the case. These also have IR ports.

Other benefits include, the versions.
Spacey: A different area, + 2 other characters :wacko:
Melody: A different area, + 2 other characters. :ph34r:

Now you may be thinking, It's just two characters. Not big deal. Different areas? No big deal. 100%samebruh
Well, you're right. But don't forget there are a good 10,000 genetic possibility of a single tamagotchi. So you'll actually be missing quite a few content depending on whatever version you get, but don't worry. You'll also be getting your own additional content :D
So that's actually like... wow 20,000 exclusive characters per versions.

Things that are still ambiguous to me: Though you can download content.. it may only be for the tamagotchi mix stations, those big giant eggs where you have to buy separately or go to a store that has them. Which I'm not quite sure. This would make a lot of sense actually, if these do have IR ports only and cannot connect to a phone or app, but can be connected to one of these mix stations located in japan (Since bandi didn't so so well on 4Us. Still provide the benefits of downloads but waste less money by buying these things and putting them in japan shops or department stores). Idunno :huh:


I'm also sorry for posting so much on this. Jeez, I know. I'm annoying but I come here to inform everyone who doesn't know the true power of google search.
So let's start off with the news.

Good news: I was right! And It was a guess too! But what I was right about will be in bad news. Tamagotchis M!x will have download content just like the 4U/+ Models! These include games and Items, and you can only exchange so much at a time. This also means that Tamagotchi M!x have IR ports to connect with each other and exchange items and etc!

Bad news: Bad news is I was right, which i was sort of hoping not to be the case. Looks like Tamagotchi M!x can have download content, it will not be in the same way like the Tamagotchi 4U/+.. Instead it will be done on a Tamagotchi M!x station which are located in Japanese stores only.
For more information regrading this, check out this link (Don't worry, It's english ;) : https://tamazalea.tumblr.com/post/145257211895/this-is-the-last-post-ill-make-screaming-about?is_related_post=1


lol-what? The Tamagotchi trend is slowly dying. Well has been since 2000 and it's a miracle that they keep making these little guys! But they lost a great amount on the Tamagotchi 4U/+ so though these new models features brand new mechanics, they cannot afford to install all of these with NFC, therefore they had to still include the download content somehow without giving them built-in NFC. How was this done? Tamagotchi m!x stations. Since these are meant to be sold in japan, it wouldn't hurt to find alternative ways to give download content. And hey, they were right. Think about this. Your a person with a tamagotchi in japan, going to get some reman in a department store. I'll just bring my tamagotchi m!x to get a new wallpaper.

Woah, theres a line at the mix station?! Hey.. these people also have tamagotchis.... want to connect?
Boom, that's a first time attempt at growing the tamagotchi community and having them connect.

What about us though? Nooope! But don't feel bad.we saw this coming. But hey maybe they'll put 1 m!x station in a highly populated area in America, but it'll probably be in new york or something. Would you actually make a trip just to use it if they actually did?!

Anyway, hope this helps you guys! And hey, it never hurts to literally type in "Tamgotchi mix station" in google. I'm serious! That's all I literally did.
Malfoy Edit: Merged posts.

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