Tamagotchi Love


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"Oh, come on, you have to like one of us" said Ruby. "I don't know...I'll tell you tomarrow." he said. "Ok, but no longer than that." said Mitsuki. and they walked off. The next day....

He played in the far corner, so no one could see him. Ok, so the three girls went up to Connor and said........

your such a *** boy. Then they walked away, and winked at him. The next day at school, Jake forgot his lunch, and Coco qquickly knew this was the chance to get him back. She walked up to him and asked if he wanted his balonga sandwhich. Jake said no, and he hated balonga. In rage, she pounded the desk and then- Jake's water spilled! Now Jake had nothing! Ana then came up to him and asked him if he wanted her chicken noodle soup. He said yes and drank it.

Coco was SOOOO mad. Then Shock went up to Coco and said "Do you want to go out with me....?" Coco knew it was her chance to win Jake back and make him jealous so she said.....

sure, and they headed out to the tama fair. They had a blast of fun. Coco forgot about Jake for a second, but suddemly remembered. But it was too late. At the church, Ana was about to kiss Jake to show they were married. They could get married now because they were now in primary school.

He was in the doorway. Everyone stared at him madly. "Kite, what are you doing here? You suppost to be at your babysitter's house and she was suppose to bring you here later." said Lily.

Everyone stared at him even madlier. "KITE YOU NUSENCE!!! YOU WRECKED MY WEDDING!! WHY I.....

Notice:I just wanted to thank you all for your posts and wonderful pieces to the story. I really appriciate it and hope to see your parts more! -Sorry for the inturuption, go on with the story- :p

"You know that Ana I proposed to?" "Yeah?" answered a voice. "Well, I here she has ALOT of money!" said another voice. "Yeah so what?" said another voice. "Well, I'm just marring her for her money! So I'll marry her, steal her money, and comand a divorce!" replied a voice. "AWESOME!" said another voice. Then the recorder stopped. "That could have been anybody!" said Ana angerly. "You need for proof? Fine, I'll give you more proof." said Kite. And he pulled out a picture..........

"HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!????????" yelled Ana in her sadest madest voice. :huh: "Um...that wasn't me..." said Jake in a convincing voice. Ana just nodded at him and ran away crying. Lily ran after her.

Lily looked back and saw Kite and Jake glaring at each other.... then, Jake jumped at Kite yeeling," YOU IDIOT! YOU!" he punches Kite in the stomach, "RUINED!" he punches Kite in the head, "MY WEDDING!!!!" he punches Kite in the stomach again, and people broke them up.

"I WANT MY MONEY"!!!" Jake yelled. And people held on to him. Everyone stared at him angerily. "Uh...I mean..." Jake mumbled. Lily rolled her eyes at Jake and went back to finding Ana.

Soon Lily found Ana crying. She sat down next to Ana. "I..I..I.. thought he loved..loved me. I..I did Everythiiing..........I could could..to find the heart of of gold of of him...." sobbed Ana. :furawatchi:

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