What I don't understand is that tamatalk has been the #1 forum for Tamagotchi thousands of active members. Bandai is VERY aware of this site and the fact that bandai doesn't get ideas on what they should make next from here. Do they even pay attention to the fans at all? I doubt it.
Just because we're 18+ now doesn't mean we want to wear a bunch of terrible clothing, and not everyone has or wants an android phone. Sorry but I'll stick to virtual pets, and thankfully to bandai japan who finally started to release English versions of their new models. at least SOMEONE gets it. ALSO the video made it out for like 10? year olds. That was just awful. Also that gender inequality, wth? I know LOTS of boys who played with tamagotchis way more than girls back in the day, even when they came out with the Tamagotchi connection most of my friends with them were guys. This was the worst fail and the biggest waste of money. I would never in my life buy any of that garbage. Yesh i love virtual pets but no I'm not going to change my INTIRE lifestyle to look like a tamagotchi.