Helped nothing. They just misunderstood the thread for being a new Tamagotchi toy - some people just couldn't find time to read.Helped what? For Bandai America to produce an App? I really like the standalone device because it is hard to differentiate between all the alarms I get on my phone now.
Still no news so far.Ugh, people still don't realize this is not a new tamagotchi... and more like a way to exploit the stupid "LOL RETRO!! IM A NERD XD" market?
Speaking of this horrid crime against humanity, whatever happened to Tamagotchi L.I.F.E?
Hmm... I've been thinking of something, maybe they'll release this "brilliant" thing during tamagotchi's I the only one who thinks they just scrapped it? I don't know it just seems like it too me since they haven't said anything about it since June...
My guess is that they will release it around New Year or the 16th (or are we on the 17th?) anniversary of Tamagotchi.Hmm... I've been thinking of something, maybe they'll release this "brilliant" thing during tamagotchi's Birthday..
Hmm, hmm... Well, those all seem unrelated. None of them really have to do with each other... BanDai makes plenty of other animes, so that doesn't mean it's related to Tamagotchi.The forth picture on the Sync Beatz website ( has a caption:
Fans of Kapi•Bara•San, the cute, or Kawaii (as known in Japanese culture) fan favorite, showcased their unique interpretations of the popular brand at the Animé Expo Los Angeles Fashion Show yesterday (July 1st), with two of the models wearing full Kapi•Bara•San kigurumi (character costumes).
On the Animé Expo Los Angeles website there is an exhibitor list (https://www.anime-exp...-expo/exhibits/) which lists Bandai America, Inc. There is also a Bandai Visual, but I don't think they are related. Sync Beatz is not part of the exhibitor list.
EDIT: Also note that the SyncBeatz website under Press Release you have this statement:
Among the key drivers supporting the brand launch will be a range of digital media, including apps and Webisodes, providing a whole new level of interactivity and social media connection for Tamagotchi fans all over the world. The agency is reviewing several prospective apps including role-playing, strategy puzzle and other genres of casual games based on the characters of the original Tamagotchi property. It is also looking at multiple genres for its Webisodes, including live action and animation, which will provide a unique focus on fashion, lifestyle and cultural trends relevant to consumers.
There's another anime, one that has been airing in Japan since 2009. It has over 150 episodes right now.I thought they were releasing the webisodes of tamagotchi on youtube....? English, because I remember someone calling Mametchi ... Ash, for the voice actor being the same....
Yes... I have the song stuck in my head. I thought I saw them, its always possible youtube deleted them. They are so picky anymore about somethings...There's another anime, one that has been airing in Japan since 2009. It has over 150 episodes right now.