Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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I'd gladly wear a Tamagotchi T-Shirt if they made them for guys. I'm long past caring what other people think of me. I used to wear my Tamagotchis on a leather cord around my neck right there for everyone to see. I'm glad they're doing something with the Tamagotchi brand. I just wish there was a new Tamagotchi toy to go with it. I'm still holding out a bit of hope that something will be announced at Toy Fair next year.

First of all they can take their app and shove it. I don't care how good it is it's not a real Tamagotchi. Part of the appeal of Tamagotchi is it's like a real living creature. It can't be turned on and off. It's always there. It's real. A phone app isn't the same thing. It isn't even close. It's just a video game. I can get attached to Tamagotchi. I'd even talk to them and hug them. There's no way I'd do that with a freaking cell phone. Give me an actual physical Tamagotchi toy or nothing. A phone app would be sterile and soulless. It would have no heart. Don't lump Tamagotchi in with overrated garbage like Angry Birds. Tamagotchi deserves better.

And as for TamaGo and Music Star failing, that was more the fault of the designs than the actual Tamagotchi brand. Tamagotchi started out as a pet. That concept is what got it it's popularity. Trying to turn them into rock stars or whatever drifts too far from the original concept. I want to adopt a pet not manage a band. What's next a Tamagotchi who let's it's fame go to it's head, turns to drugs and alcohol and is then found dead in a hotel room somewhere? As for TamaGo, they shot themselves in the foot with that one. Having to spend extra money to unlock a lot of the content may have been a good idea on paper from a financial standpoint but it turned a lot of folks off. I never owned a Music Star or a TamaGo. I hated the rock star concept and I thought the whole having to buy additional figures was a blatant and pathetic attempt to squeeze more money out of people. And don't get me started on the fact that they never advertised the things.

The concept behind Tamagotchi is still sound. It could probably still make money if done right. The problem is that the past couple of models were simply NOT done right.

The clothes are an eyesore but I'm not against Tamagotchi merchandise. It's having Tamagotchi merchandise without an actual Tamagotchi toy to back it up that I find idiotic.
They did Advertise them, you just didn't see the commercials (Obviously)

I think robodog was exaggerating; we know that Bandai put out a couple ads for the products, but overall it seemed like they put no effort into promoting the Music Star or Tama-Go whatsoever.

I'm not sure about the Music Star, but I did see a commercial once about it. To me, it seems like they did a lot of work on the promotion of the Tama-Go. Check out Bandai's Blog. They toured parts of the US, teamed up with Tamatalk to put up a contest, put up their own contest and other stuff. I suppose that wasn't enough either.

I called Sync Beatz today, they said new stuff about Tamagotchi Life was to be announced "in the coming weeks" so, brace yourselfs...
Sync Beatz is a company that produces lifestyle products, so I guess we already know what to expect from them.

Competition. In the end, it will help the tamagotchi brand as a whole or dig it down deeper.

My gut says something in the fall. A possible tama... For the anniversary and such. I wouldn't know anymore then you guys... But with new things comming out towards Christmas.... The possiblity of a new tama can come. (or for C-mas)

A very low chance, I guess? Maybe Bandai is doing this as a test. A test if its good enough to spend money to make another Tamagotchi Toy.

The odd thing is... I would expect to start seeing items anytime. I would have thought they would be out by now though. These shirts need a tamagotchi pocket.... Lol.

Maybe these will be the fall release.... But I am still crossing my fingers for a tama. Even a non-working keychain. (like McDs 97' toys) i really want a new one... These big gaps between releases I am sure aren't helping Bandai America....

I don't know about you guys, but I heard a little Tamagotchi beep in that video at about 1:40-1:45. :rolleyes:
I totally heard that too LOL I was going to point it out if no one else had heard it too XD

This is VERY strange. In my opinion its like Nintendo turning into a Supermarket. Tamagotchi IS NOT: Clothes, make-up, furnishing etc. Its...TAMAGOTCHI!!! Tamagotchi is: Virtual pets, Figurines more Tamagotchis, Anime. They only put A BIT of Tamagotchi into this Tamagotchi L.I.F.E line :p
Actually nintendo has put out a ton of stuff over the years like candy, plushes and toys, and shirts, bath soap, and stuff. We used to have a clip art from Nintendo on our Apple IIE....

I think what people have to remember is that this was a licensing expo - in other words, they are talking about selling the rights to use Tamagotchi characters and likeness to other companies........ Bandai owns the rights to Tamagotchi already, why would they need to license it out to make another toy?? Why would they mention it at this type of expo???

They still might come out with another Tamagotchi pet, but they might use this form of marketing to generate a buzz before taking that leap. They haven't said that they AREN'T coming out with a new Tamagotchi pet. They might want to keep as much on the DL as they can till it's about time for release to keep other competitors from knowing what they are doing.


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This fake optimism really makes me sad.

BanDai America has nothing to do with this, they aren't making another toy probably. And if they are, it'll be based on the vintage series. Which quite frankly, I don't care about it.

Why can't it be based on what japan has been doing? :( I mean, the anime, arcade games.. But no, we won't be seeing any of that! Just more vintage crud! Cause you know, EVERYONE grew up with those and not the connection era or even the modern era! NOPE!

I'm a 21 year old female & I would not buy any of that stuff.

It could just be me but I think they're going about it the wrong way if that is their target age group.

I don't like graphic tees- I can't wear those to work & I wouldn't wear them out & about. Personally, I've just never liked graphic tees & I try to keep a more professional/tastefully stylish look most days. Why would I want tama make up? If I were a kid & wanted some play make up- yeah, sure. But I'll stick with well established brands whose whole "life" (no pun intended) is cosmetics. I also wouldn't buy tama furnishings for my house. That isn't the direction I'm trying to go with my home decor.

Maybe I just take myself a little too seriously or something, but I like Tamagotchi for the Tamagotchi. None of that stuff holds a place in my life.

Key chains & stuff would actually be pretty cool, I like key chains (I currently have a Hello Kitty key chain). Any little knickknacks that tastefully add a little fun & tell someone about your personality: I'm game. But as a professional adult in their target age group, I'm not interested in most of that stuff.

I'm pretty disappointed.

But that's just my 2 cents.

I completely agree.

Who would buy TAMAGOTCHI clothes? They normally go to the shops in the local shopping malls - I don't get who will buy Tamagotchi clothes. Plushes, keychains, Tamagotchis themselves are all whats in Tamagotchi. Before this project came in I didn't even think (even for a moment) that it was going to be about clothes. I'm sure it would of been fine if there were some Mametchi Clocks, Memetchi Pencil Toppers etc. Although I think clothes - well, its gone too far.

Could you just imagine having Tamagotchi furniture in your house?


This fake optimism really makes me sad.

BanDai America has nothing to do with this, they aren't making another toy probably. And if they are, it'll be based on the vintage series. Which quite frankly, I don't care about it.

Why can't it be based on what japan has been doing? :( I mean, the anime, arcade games.. But no, we won't be seeing any of that! Just more vintage crud! Cause you know, EVERYONE grew up with those and not the connection era or even the modern era! NOPE!
Without "that vintage crud" you wouldn't have the aspects of Tamagotchi you DO like. Keep that in mind. Without the success of the original there would be no connections, no anime, no new merchandise period.

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Without "that vintage crud" you wouldn't have the aspects of Tamagotchi you DO like. Keep that in mind. Without the success of the original there would be no connections, no anime, no new merchandise period.
Yes, and all of that stuff I do like from tamagotchi are stuck in Japan, which is where they innovate with each release. BanDai America's releases gone stale, and then they decided to go the cheap easy way and just market retro crap, cause you know, that's what IN right now!

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