Tamagotchi ID L with P's on Stand?


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Oct 27, 2013
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So, I was on the Bandai Asia website, and I saw many pictures of an English Tamagotchi iD L stand they would usually have right when it's released. I was reading around a bit and its made its way from the UK to Australia, and they can't stop just yet. From what I've seen the english Tamagotchi iD L was getting pretty good sales. Could there be a chance it might come to america?

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I moved this here because its already known on the boxes... NOT for sale in Canada, USA (and Mexico I believe)

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This is the display in Australia with the English iD Ls. As you can see on the bottom shelf, they're P's?! With all of this Tamagotchi stuff with the UK getting a new release and 3 new deco pierces, could this be a new English Color? The P's translated in English?

- TamaTamatchi

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I believe the Tama P's are just filling holes in the display...

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Even if the P's are filling the holes, they're being sold in an English speaking country. It's saying a lot to have two different Tamagotchis being sold in the same store.

It looks like there are four colors: white, blue, purple, and yellow.

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They look like two barcode stickers on the front of the P's boxes. The store could be like an anime store and just placed an order of Tama P's with the english iDLs. Not sure myself, but I have a high doubt those Tama Ps are english.

How do you know the stand's in Australia?

It could just be a stand in an Asian country, as they've released the colour tamagotchis there already. Perhaps they're just getting the p's now?

Why have the advertisement stand entirely in English, then? I would expect some other language on there.

From Bandai South Asia's Facebook page, where the image was posted:


we didn't forget about the girls!
Tamagotchi iDL is in Takashimaya , toy section, level 4! The shelf is too bright to even miss it!!!

*Oops! we forget to mention that this is the 2nd time we bought in Tamagotchi iDL, due to the first time, we had it completely sold out! We will not restock this series, once it Out of stock! ;)
That stand with the Tamagotchi P's is in Singapore, not Australia. A little research before posting doesn't hurt sometimes. :)

A little research before posting doesn't hurt sometimes. :)

^ This.

To further reinforce Sam's post:


While it is helpful to keep everybody updated; unverified information often creates false hype and misinformation within the community.

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Space filler or double duty stands... I find stores do that all the time here. Misdirecting, but makes more profit because people don't pay full attention to the display and products for sale. Info is always helpful before jumping...

Hence why this was moved What's on Your Mind...

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