Tamagotchi Connection v4 questions


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You an buy a stereo for your tama in the music section of the shop in V4 TAMATOWN. ;)

If your budget is low, there is also a cheat for getting 9900 pts from the resturant in tamatown linked above;

1, Start playing the hambuger game in the food court/resturant

2, Do not finish the game, but exit from it; back to the resturant when it has started.

3, Now play the pizza game, and complete at least four pizzas before the game ends.

4, Now you will recieve your reward for successfully completing the pizza game; 300 tama points. After clicking the recieve button, it should appear a new one. Keep clicking, and recieve 300 points again and again, until you have max number of obtainable points.

Log out, and enter the code(s). :lol: :lol:

1. How come on the Items list, after the first use of some of the items, they dissapear. But some items stay on the list no matter how many times I use them. Why?

2. What is a special adult character? I have it right now, but I don't know how I accomplished it.

1. How come on the Items list, after the first use of some of the items, they dissapear. But some items stay on the list no matter how many times I use them. Why?

2. What is a special adult character? I have it right now, but I don't know how I accomplished it.
1) Some items are single use, some are not. (eg. single use=plant, shovel, etc.)

2) What do you mean by special? There are the three from getting a lot of one skill point while having either Mametchi, Memetchi, or Kuchipatchi, and I think you can use the costume or stuffed animal to accomplish getting a special character (if you can tell us what character it is, that'd help a lot).

1. Some items are just too good to be able to use them more than once. :p

2. There are 3 special characters: Tensaitchi (get Mametchi and have over 350 intelligence points and over 450 skill points total), Makiko (get Memetchi and have over 350 arts points and over 450 skill points total), and Nonbiritchi (get Kuchipatchi and get over 350 social points and over 450 skill points total). All these must be done before the Tamagotchi gets married. Intellectual=pencil. Arts=star. Social=flower.

See the growth chart. :)

Is there any info for the V4 growth process? i.e. Baby.......toddler......teenager........adult.

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