Excuse me, but what about the iDL, P's, and other Japanese Tamagotchi? Japan has had girly Tamagotchis for years but nooooo, everyone has to attack the Tamagotchi Friends

And if you ask me, acting as if girl-oriented stuff is a terrible thing is sexist.Tamagotchis are aimed at girls now because it involves nurturing a pet and because boys have stuff like Power Rangers or Hot Wheels, but it doesn't mean boys can't play Tamagotchis and girls can't play with Hot Wheels and Power Rangers. Nobody calls Hot Wheels and Power Rangers sexist, do they? So why does EVERYTHING have to be for boys? Deal with it.
Because the other western releases where for both gender.
Tamas were first created for everyone, they're just ignoring buyers and even the creator of the toy.Power Rangers are for boys since their creation, so this example is NOT valid.
I don't deal with it, and Bandai should know not all girls are girly, especially in 2014.
You're a girly girl, it's easy for you, but you can't say that, you're telling us to change our opinion and to make us girly?
Now I'll try to change your opinion on Tamagotchi Friends so you'll dislike it.
You're selfish...this is why I prefer male fans, never like the female company so much...
Bandai is marketizing Tamagotchis for the wrong target.
They should care about male fans more, like they're doing with the adult ones, if they wouldn't care, they wouldn't make Facebook pages, 6 years olds aren't on Facebook....
Look at Bandai Japan, they're ignoring adult fans too, while they're making adult gadgets of kids stuff like Precure and Dragonball, not even their own series, they only make gadgets since they're tv series.
You're ignoring other fans and Tamagotchis' history.
Why don't they make great shell designs like the older Tamas ones?I mean, what about the Sakura V5?Cookie V5?And all the awesome Music Stars?
Even if the Sakura one is girly it's less girly than jewels, I love flowers and little girls like them too, and they're cuter than jewels, flowers are nature!
Everyone likes cookies, so, even if it's not extra girly and not super shining, little girls would love it, because it's original and cute.
Music themed designs are perfect because everyone likes music and it would be good for everyone, I mean, look at the pink European version of the Scarlet Melody, is so cute!I'd buy it.
I'm saying that some of the previous girly Tamagotchis were less girly and more cute than the Friends and P's ones.
I actually hate the girly but unoriginal and boring designs of the Friends (especially the American ones) and the P's...
Bandai is being so unoriginal.