No, I have relatively few. Only 12 in total.
#1. 1996/1997 generation 1 (transparent green)
the middle one in this photo
#2 & 3. Japanese - KeiTama
Flower &
#4 & 5. Japanese - EnTama
All Blue &
Hakugin (sparkly/silver white field of snow)
#6. V3
the one at the right in this photo
#7. Japanese - Kakeibo
#8 & 9. Japanese - UraTama
UraTamaTown &
#10 & 11. Japanese - Chibi Tamagotchi (like Tamagotchi Mini)
the one at the left in this photo (I have two of this design.)
#12. Japanese - Home Deka Tamagotchi -
orange (Game King)
I also have two Japanese - Home Deka Tamagotchi - blue ones "being held" for me.
Click here to see what they look like. I'll pick them up later this month when I'm in Tokyo. At that time I also plan to purchase a Japanese - TamaSuku (Tamagotchi School):
one of these.
Currently I'm running the two EnTamas, the two UraTamas, the V3, the Kakeibo, and the orange Home Deka Tamagotchi.
I'll probably retire the two EnTamas when I get a TamaSchool, and retire the V3 when I get a V4.