tama sos!


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Aug 17, 2007
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* Moved to What's On Your Mind? forum*

ther is this poor, little tama at my school & the teachers are keeping it in the staffroom. how are my friend & i going to get it out without lieing or cheating? this tama needs its owner & FAST! ASA NOW!!!

its probobly out of .....

oh i cant type it...

here i go im gonna type it...



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The batteries don't run out that fast ... They last a couple months.

Just ask the teachrs polietly... They might say yes >D

I don't think this should be in here, 'Non-Tamatalk' is for everything Non-Tama related.

Try asking the teachers polietly, and if that doesn't work try to look really sad, you could start crying, that could work!

And batteries last a few months not few hours! :D

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!! :lol:

Chill. The batteries last months.

Ask the teachers politely. If they're nice enough, they'll give it back.

unfortunately the tama has been there for AGES!!! & i cant ask that would be weird. i think we will get my friends mum to ask.

Well, you really shouldn't be taking Tamas to school.

But, try to ask the teachers for it back. If not, cry, like kutchipatchirulz said. But if the Tama wasn't paused, he/she is probably dead. Sorry if he/she is. If your Tama's paused, she/he is probably perfectly fine.

It's very dangerous to take a tamagotchi to school. You are in danger of it being broken, stolen, and even worse- confiscated like right now.

Talk to your teacher and say that you just didn't want it to die. Ask if you could please have it back. Then, say you will never bring an electronic device to school ever again. Remember to use your manners.

Good Luck :mellow:

its not mine i just want it to be safe. it was my friend who spotted it. at first she thought it was hers but she found hers in her bedroom. i just want the tama to be safe.

Hence the pause functions and the download functions, it shouldn't be there anyway. :[

1)It's pixels and plastic, it won't have a serious emotional breakdown.

2)If it's been there for ages as you say it is, it would probably already be dead. Therefore you can't worry about your tama's feelings or such. Either that, or it's a miracle, the ever lasting tamagotchi. :D

If you teacher's have a sense of kindness, they will understand. After all, teachers are only human like us. Just because they are older, does not mean that they can't be kind. Just as long as you say 'Please' and 'Thankyou', using lot's of vocabulary, maybe you'll win them over and get it back. :lol:

Good luck.

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