I like more plain tamagotchis but they are hard to come by in the new series. I have a second wave Asian v5 and its orange with splashes of color aroudnt he screen but pretty plain. I love that one. I also just bought two plain ones that should come in next week. a plain silver v3 and a plain pink P1 or P2 (not sure which), pink isn't my favorite. But I settled. cannot wait.
The Leopard skin P2 is still my favourite! This was the first Tamagotchi I played with and its design still remains my favourite amongst my collection. The TMGC+Color comes in at a close second place!
I love my V1's design. It's an Asian programed one. Shares the same design as the Japanese Tamagotchi Plus. It's the one with yellow buttons and trim and white shell.
Fun in the Sun. (Pink w/ icecreams on it) It's a v3 and my very first tamagotchi. Back when ebay was reliable now my tamagotchi set won't come it on time!