I'm getting hermit crabs in a few months

, and I don't know how to handle my Tamas! Tamagotchis are made mostly for kids who can't have real pets, so what should I do? Retire them, and focus on my crabs, or find a good balance between pet and virtual pet? I'm not sure if I could give up on Tamas

because ever since I got my first one ( A V2 ) I was fully addicted! Crabs aren't the most time consuming pets, so I should have time for Tamas. But not having a Tama would be one less thing to take care of...
I expect to hear tons of opinions on this subject! I'm almost horrified at myself for thinking of giving up on Tamas

, but I still am not sure.
Please reply! And be very frank with me, I want to know all opinions and ideas.
