yeah, hermit crabb's aren't very demanding. you'll be fine looking after them along with your tamas
i've had three of them all up- they're very cute!
my first one was fireman sam, as he had a painted shell- yellow with a great big smiley face.
plus i was probably about eight at the time! fortunately he did end up changing shell, but one day
i came home to see he had chopped his poor little leg off on the sharp edge of his water bowl
because he had no leg he couldn't walk, and eventually he died of starvation- or lack of water.
i also had don-antonio who i was given by my older cousin.
he had the coolest shell ever that was spikey and very tasteful!
he was quite feisty too and once pinched my lip! i had to pull pretty hard to get him off, he had quite the grip! hehe
he started getting lonely and so my sister bought him a friend, who's name i think was bob. hehe
but one summer we went away for a couple of weeks and the girl who was
meant to be
looking after the house while we were gone (which included keeping the animals alive!!!)
didn't refill their water bowl and they were dead when i got home.
i hope you crabb's are more fortunate than mine, but i know they can be great pets.
we now have seven pets in my familly- and i love them all so much!
but i also love my tamagotchis of course and i just bought a v6! (music star) i have no trouble looking after them though-
even when i have a very demanding turtle!!!
have fun!