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Isabella is alright; nothing has changed. I'm reading Breaking Dawn right now, so this post will be short. The Webkinz phase isn't as fun as it used to be. Need. To. Read. Breaking. Dawn.

Isabella: Well, hello. That's all.

I got a link to a pic of Isabella! It would've been a better picture, but the link wouldn't load!

Isabella the Sebiretchi

Plus, I have officially hit 330 views! Yeah, thank you TamaTalk! Thank you Tama-O-Rama readers! Please, please keep reading Tama-O-Rama for it'll only get better! And I don't mind if you PM me, too! THANK YOU!!!

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Isabella: Happy Easter!

...It's not Easter yet, Izz. That's my nickname for Isabella, Izz. On the Tamagotchi screen there's two eggs and a bunny rabbit and Izz is watching them. I'm posting a lot today, did you notice that? ;) I just wanted to say thank you guys for reading Tama-O-Rama! Please keep reading!

Isabella: Happy Easter! PM Rainbow Cat and we will reply and insert your comment into Tama-O-Rama as 'Fan Mail'! Plus, I'll be getting married soon! I'm going to be a mother... tomorrow or the next day! Happy Easter again, Tama-O-Rama readers! Keep on reading!

It's me again! I have... unpleasant news. I just checked up on Izz (the sound was off, 'kay?) and she had poo-ed, she was sick, and there was *gasp* no hungry or happy hearts! This stinks, too. Not the poo, though. I spent all my points on sandwiches. I only have 60 left and Icefire has not passed as an official band yet, so Penny, Izz and Colleen aren't getting paid. Izz has been eating baby food. How disgusting! I'm feeding her baby food! Well, Izz doesn't mind. She's just hungry. The baby food can only fill 2 hungry hearts. Sigh... I'm thinking about writing in a different color. Pink is getting a bit... irritatingly lovely. So here are my options.

Lime green



Sky blue

I'll go with lime green and use magenta for the stats. Speaking of stats...


3 Yr

34 Lb


Hungry: **


Stress: 39

Tone: 305

Rhythm: 355

Original: 324

Pop Music


1st Gen.

60 GP

Previously, I was complaining about not posting enough. Now I am posting enough, and it's irritating me. So I'll try to post 1 or 2 times a day, 'kay? I'm sure I'm annoying you, too.

Hello! Do you guys remember Chris, the Tama on my V4? He died, you know. So since then, his Tama-corpse, I guess you could say, has been sitting on my V4 screen. So I'm going to reset my V4 and keep track of my V4 and Music Star in Tama-O-Rama, if I can. ...Okay, so I just put in all the info. I think I'll write about Music Star in lime green and my V4 in sky blue.

Okay, so the egg is hatching! It's a boy! Hmm, I think I'll name him Zippy. Wow, I have imagination. 'Kay, I just put in his name. So I'm going to get Zippy taken care of and then I'll post back with more info on Zippy and Izz. Bye!

350 views? Thank you, thank you, thank you! :huh: You guys are so awesome! Keep on reading Tama-O-Rama, please, for more info!!! Well, Isabella is just sitting here on my Music Star. No updates for Izz. I'm still waiting for the matchmaker to come.

Tone: 377

Rhythm: 475

Original: 402

What a coincedence. As soon as I was about to type the stats, Zippy takes a nap. Time for Stats! You know how the Music Star is in lime green and stats are in magenta? V4 is in sky blue and Stats are in blue!

Hungry: ****

Happy: **

Training: 0

Skill Points: 9,0,0

0 Yr

12 Lb

Name: Zippy

Gender: Boy

Gen. 1st Gen.

500 GP

User Name: (it's private cuz it has my name in it so I'll just put N/A)

I'm a very proud Tamagotchi owner, aren't you? Right now, I'll take Izz and Zippy to Music City and TamaTown. I haven't been to either of them for a while, actually. Come on, Tama-O-Rama readers! PM me your comments, suggestions and questions and I will respond and put it in the log. That's all!

Zippy is awake and has evolved into a toddler with a mohawk. Zippy is unbelievably cute! The mohawk fits him nicely. That's all.

Nothing has changed for Zippy. The Stats have changed.

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: 2

Skill Points: 15,6,2

0 Yr

21 Lb


Gen. 1st Gen.

3140 GP

User Name: N/A

I just found out that Zippy is a Mohitamatchi! I guess the 'moh' comes from 'mohawk' and we all know where 'tama' and 'tchi' come from, am I right? Check out the link in my siggy, guys, cuz I just created a Blogagotchi!

I haven't been on the computer for a couple days, so neither Tama-O-Rama or Blogagotchi is updated. Sorry. ;) I'm not playing with Music Star, so I don't know where Izz is. Anyway, Zippy has grown to a Gozarutchi! He looks like this! ---> :( <--- Does that mean I took care of him badly? He's pretty overweight. And he's cute. :D He works as a scientist. Woot, woot!

Confession time: I lost my Music Star and left it unpaused. That's why I just found my Music Star cuz I cleaned my room. I'm resetting it, too ashamed to see my Tama's corpse. :( V4 ran out of battery, too. Aren't I a bad Tamagotchi caretaker? I'm back on TamaTalk now, yay! Now, setting the time and date on Music Star... now the Username... there. Now I see my little dancing egg with three boxes. Hopefully, I won't abandon it like I did with Izz. It's a boy! His name will be Rocky, though I don't know why. That's all, bye!


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