Tama-Go Growth Theories


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For some reason, I got a baby girl, toddler (name forgotten- had a star for a head, a Shellitchi, then a Chamametchi; which is normally another teen.

The way it evolved was: baby to toddler~ 1 hr./ toddler to Shellitchi~ 1 day. Shellitchi to Chamametchi~ 1 day.does anyone know what the heck is going on?!?!!? :huh: :huh: :huh:

By the way, I an Chamametchi and have 11 training, what is the max training?

WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!? :angry:

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I am really glad that there is a topic about Tama-Go growths. I really believe it is to do with care misses, I have had teens with full training bars evolving into bad care Tamagotchi's so I really don't think training is the case. So we know that generation is irrelevent but how do you get a certain character of the same category? For example, I believe the two perfect girl Tamagotchi's are Lovelitchi and Violetchi, is it random which one you get? Or does something influence whether you get Lovelitchi or Violetchi?

tamakisser, I think you could be correct about that glitch. On my white Tama-Go the first egg hatched was a baby boy and he grew up to become a Kikitchi, and now I have just had all girls and I am on generation 5 with my Pipotchi with another baby girl.

Im beggining to think maybe the Tama-Go is based on everything. Maybe how many hearts you have fulled in most of the time, how much friendship, how much training, and how much basic good care have you given it.

That is just my theory.

Though I have nothing to prove it, I'm still trying to figure the growth out too :blink:

Well until reading the posts here I thought it was training which influenced it. I had a Kilalatchi with full training and he became a Mametchi then I had a Shelltchi with 10 bars training and she became a Chamametchi. But now I'm not so sure because she also had a few care misses because I left her at home instead of taking her with me. It could be care, it could be training, who knows. I'll try friendship for the next one. It could be that too.

I had no care misses,

5 hearts filled hungry

5 hearts filled happy

3 Friendship

0 Training

and my baby boy went to Mattaritchi. It only took roughly 1 hour and 40 minutes. (The car ride from the store, dinner out, and then home.) When we pulled into our driveway, it aged to a bad care character.

Then While it was Mattaritchi, I had 1 care miss, 5 hearts full on happy and hungry, and all friendship hearts filled in and 6 training. I woke it up a lot while it was sleeping, and tried to make it go play and make it eat (it refused because it was sleepy), and I kept it on pause for about 8 hours while I was asleep.

It changed to Kilalatchi while it was sleeping by waking up to change and going back to sleep. I got the tama-go yesterday. Kilalatchi is one year old and weighs 20 pounds.

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Hey guys,

Against what I've recently started thinking, the Tama-Go's training level seems to be irrelevant when affecting growth. Here are some examples of characters reached with certain training levels, due to information taken from the Tama-Go Growth Project on Tama-Zone:

Mametchi - 7, 15 training.

Lovelitchi - 9, 15 training.

Kuromametchi - 11, 12, 15 training.

Violetchi - 14, 15 training.

Kikitchi - 15 training.

Kuchipatchi - 4, 5 training.

Memetchi - 15 training.

Makiko - 6 training.

Wooltchi - 6 training.

Ringotchi - 4, 7 training.

Nonopotchi - 6, 9 training.

Marotchi - 3, 4, 8, 12 training.

Gozarutchi - 15 training.

Pipotchi - 2 training.

As you can see by the list I made above, some "good care characters" such as Kuchipatchi have been obtained by low training, and some "bad care characters" such as Gozarutchi have been obtained by high training. In cases like Marotchi, different levels of high and low training have ended up in the same result. So that concludes my statement that Training does not affect what character you get on your Tama-Go.

thats very interesting samjje should we offer up a concentration of the freindship theory? i think freindship might be the big factor here still

Well, if Training and Friendship have nothing to do with growth, and are there purely for something else to concentrate on filling, it has to just be Care-based. But does this mean Care misses, does this mean Happy and Hunger hearts? Does weight have anything to do with it? There are still many possibilities to entertain.

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The friendship and training possibly matters. The generation has no impact.

My 2G: Kinotchi-Mattaritchi-Kilalatchi-Kikitchi

My 3G (Current) Kinotchi-Mattaritchi-Kilalathi-Kikitchi

Training around same area, friendship full

My 1G-Nokotchi.Belltchi.Shelltchi.Violetchi (I just read Binary's ancient log and discovered he had the exact same characters of Nokotchi.Belltchi.Shelltchi.Violetchi O_O)

Weight is not having to do with the evolution since 2G was 40 weight and 3G was 20 weight. And they shockingly has the same evolution path.

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so its not weight that leaves care misses and hungry\happy hearts

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The friendship and training possibly matters. The generation has no impact.

My 2G: Kinotchi-Mattaritchi-Kilalatchi-Kikitchi

My 3G (Current) Kinotchi-Mattaritchi-Kilalathi-Kikitchi

Training around same area, friendship full

My 1G-Nokotchi.Belltchi.Shelltchi.Violetchi (I just read Binary's ancient log and discovered he had the exact same characters of Nokotchi.Belltchi.Shelltchi.Violetchi O_O)

Weight is not having to do with the evolution since 2G was 40 weight and 3G was 20 weight. And they shockingly has the same evolution path.
Thanks for that information, Mametchi419.

But if you read my post earlier and the ones that followed it, we concluded that Training and Friendship are about as irrelevant as Generation. :p

So yeah, that means that the Tama-Go must be a care-based Tamagotchi. Experimentation with the Happy and Hunger hearts would be nice. :)

Depends on the Training points you give to your TamaGotchi is how it evolves to a good Tamagotchi,

EG: Lovelitchi: you need 12train points for her.

Lovelitchi, if you read my earlier post, you would find that Training does not effect the outcome of which character you will get. Characters like Marotchi have been achieved with Training points from as little as 3 to as high as 12. Other characters have been obtained with different training amounts also. I think training can definitely be ruled out.

I think we need to concentrate on Care, as that is the most likely growth theory now. Theories that still need to be tested are:

  • How the Hunger Hearts influence growth
  • How the Happy Hearts influence growth
  • How care misses influence growth
  • How missing the toilet can influence growth

Then again, the Tama-Go could just be random. It's unlikely, but with the range of different growths people are getting from taking "perfect" care and getting bad care characters to takeing "ok" care and getting perfect care characters, it could very well be a possibility.

I just wish Bandai America would just tell us how the growth system works so we could aim for characters we want, like Bandai Japan did with the new iD. Well, it was in a magazine, but Bandai must have told them. Anyway, either that, or I wish they were just more simple. They are so confusing. :S

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Gozarutchi is a horrible care, but they say you can get Gozarutchi in odd generations, but I got Gozarutchi for my 2G.

I don't think it's training. My first Mametchi was 15 training, my Chamametchi was 10 I think, my Kuromametchi was 11 training, my Pipotchi was 7 training and my second and current Mametchi is 9 training. I couldn't test the friendship because it kept filling up. I think it's about care.

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For some reason, I got a Nokotchi, a hoshitchi, a Shellitchi, then a Chamametchi; which is normally another teen.

The way it evolved was: Nokotchi to Hoshitchi~ 1 hr./ Hoshitchi to Shellitchi~ 1 day. Shellitchi to Chamametchi~ 1 day. What the heck is going on?!?!!?

By the way, I an Chamametchi and have 11 training.

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i dunno anything about tama-go growth :D i got shimashimatchi when it was 2 yrs old.

im just glad to get shimashimatchi becoz he's my favourite tamagotchi character xD

Lovelitchi, if you read my earlier post, you would find that Training does not effect the outcome of which character you will get. Characters like Marotchi have been achieved with Training points from as little as 3 to as high as 12. Other characters have been obtained with different training amounts also. I think training can definitely be ruled out.

I think we need to concentrate on Care, as that is the most likely growth theory now. Theories that still need to be tested are:

  • How the Hunger Hearts influence growth
  • How the Happy Hearts influence growth
  • How care misses influence growth
  • How missing the toilet can influence growth

Then again, the Tama-Go could just be random. It's unlikely, but with the range of different growths people are getting from taking "perfect" care and getting bad care characters to takeing "ok" care and getting perfect care characters, it could very well be a possibility.

I just wish Bandai America would just tell us how the growth system works so we could aim for characters we want, like Bandai Japan did with the new iD. Well, it was in a magazine, but Bandai must have told them. Anyway, either that, or I wish they were just more simple. They are so confusing. :S

Yeah.. I couldn't get my training past 11 even when my Tama-Go was an adult (but was less than 11 when she was a teen) and I still got a Lovelitchi. I took good care of ther though.

I do hope the Tama-Go's growth cycle isn't random because it's fun when you can aim for certain characters and not just hope that you'll get that character at random..

My Tama-Go should be having a baby soon (got married last night) so on the next generation I'll try to pay extra attention and note the hungry/happy hearts, bathroom training and care misses, etc.

We've got to figure it out sometime..

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