Tama Expo


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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Reaction score
With all due respect to Bandai, don't you think that the new Tama Expo is a little bland and boring? I mean, it really has no depth- it's just a portal to instant gratification that goes away after a few minutes, you know what I mean? I'm really disappointed in Bandai, to tell you the truth. :furawatchi:

Tama Expo is ok. At least there are some nice games to play so that you can earn more Gotchi points. It's just a bit bland, but not too bad, either.

Okay, I'm gonna be straight forward about this one. I think that Bandai really let us down last year. I think that the Tama & Earth Expo was a MAJOR disappointment, and they should have kept the normal Tamatown or something along the line. For the first several months there was absolutely nothing to do in the Expo and when something did come out, it was just one major disappointment after another. But I forgive Bandai, because the v6 is a LOT better than the v5 could ever hope to have been. *Sorry about my mood, I just had to let it out*

I don't like it, neither. There are only stupid mini-games, there is no exploration in order to obtain, for example interesting items. Games are boring, and the town is too confusing to navigate. I played a little V3 tama-town and it was far far better than V5 town. Maybe I just don't know everything about it (i just got it yesterday : ), e.g. how to buy the food, but it didn't make really big impression on me.

And typing each time the code to log in just freaks me out.

i've been on the tama music star's world, so i know their potential, and this was really a big disapointment.

...i wonder if bandai can make the tama earth expo something like the v6 world.


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