Tama Diaries!


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Violetchi's Diary

I was tending the roses in front of the school when Mametchi came up to me and asked if I wanted to go out for ice cream! Does this mean he likes me as much as I like him? Of course, I said yes, but I can't help wondering...

- Violetchi

:furawatchi: + :newmametchi:

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Pipospetchi's Journal...Thingy....

July 20th, 2013

Today that stupid Kikitchi called me an apple. I mean, I'm well aware he's mad at me 'taking' his 'girlfriend'(Chamametchi), but he doesn't have to be mean about it. Seriously.
Anyway, I tried to be nice and told him to not call people names like that, but he just kept on saying mean things about me. I don't think he understood who he was talking to.

So I yelled at him, but he still didn't understand me. Eventually, I got SO frustrated, I threatened to punch him in the face if he didn't shut up. I was REALLY about to do it, too!

But then the teacher saw us and gave us both detention. I don't even regret it one bit.

Although, something tells me I should've given him MORE than a punch in the face....

Oh, and I just realized today's my brother Spaceytchi's birthday. What should I get him?

I was thinking of one of them pie-in-the-face gag boxes, 'cause y'know, who doesn't love pie?

Anyway, I'm gonna go now. Me and Chamametchi's secret club is gonna be starting any minute and I DO NOT want to miss it!


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KuroMametchi's Diary

Today, I was listening to a artist called Skrillex. He seems pretty cool. Some of his songs are pretty awesome. Especially "Kill EVERYBODY" and "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites". The only song that didn't make sense to me was "Scatta"...all I heard was just a bunch of rap stuff...but he's BEAST! I tell ya! I'm not kidding.


Lovelitchi's Diary

I found out today that Kuromametchi listens to Skrillex! I HATE SKRILLEX, AND I WILL NEVER GO ON A DATE WITH HIM BECAUSE OF THAT. I thought he loved my music but he just pretended to make me like him. Good luck Kuromametchi with getting me as a girlfriend :rolleyes:

Spaceytchi'a Dia--er, I mean Journal


Well, another birthday has come and gone.

I will admit, I got some good presents....well, if you call a pie-in-the-face box from my brother good, then it was pretty good.

This year, though, he went with cherry, which was alright. I like cherry.

Anyway, today I've got a GOOD plan for....well you know. I almost want to write in here, just in case I DO take over Tamagotchi Planet become famous and write an autobiography.....but maybe I shouldn't in case someone else were to read this.

So I'm not going to, OK?

Oh, and did I forget to mention? I hear the school's having a music competition next week! Maybe I should enter....I feel pretty confident this year! I've been practicing a little.

I hope my voice can compete with the others(good thing Mametchi's been disqualified this year--no offense, but he's pretty bad!)....

-Spaceytchi ☆

Himespetchi's Dairy

31 July 2013

I wanna marry Mametchi! I daydreamed of marrying Ikemen Mametchi and having a million babies to conquer the world. TOMORROW I'M GONNA ASK MAMETCHI TO MARRY ME!

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