tama color


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the Mouse

Jun 7, 2011
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Hey, sorry i'm starting this a little late. Okay my tama color is a teen now and its Itchigotchi. I'm taking bad care of it because I want to get Makiko. It's really mad at me because I won't feed it :( well, I'll feed it later.

See ya, the Mouse :ichigotchi:

YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! I got Makiko, I got Makiko! :D I'm so happy! Now I can take care of her! Guess what,.......She pooped today! I was so proud. Well, gotta go now but, I will be back later.

See ya, the Mouse :mimitchi:

Well I mated Makiko :( It hasn't hatched yet but it will soon. I hope it will be a girl or a boy. :huh: OMG! It hatched! It's a girl so i'm going to try for Memetchi. :mellow: I know right, its the opposite of what I went for last time. Well, I should take care of it now.

See ya, the Mouse :D

UUUUUGGGGGGG. I got Ichigotchi. :angry: That means now I can't get Memetchi. :( Me sad. And now i'm (by accident) taking bad care of it. I'M SORRYYYYYYYY! I am going to get Mariotchi. Well, I need to make sure that its not dead now.

See ya, the Mouse :furawatchi:

I am a terrible parent!!!!!!!! :D Oh, shush Memetchi :( Well, last night little itchigotchi went to sleep sick! I almost cryed. :( I felt soooooooo bad. When I woke up I automatically took care of it. I felt so good when it smiled! :)

Gotta go now tama beeping me to the rescue!

See ya, the Mouse :p

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