Everyone's Tama art is super cute, I love it! :3
I finally finished drawing this! Its been a while since the last time I posted, I think I've improved a lot since then.

(In a spoiler because its huge.)
Tamagotchi gijinkas of Lovelitchi and Meloditchi.

I used Photoshop CS4 and my Bamboo Pen tablet for this one. I did a pencil sketch on notebook paper and scanned it into my computer, then traced over my sketch with the pen tool.

There are 159 layers in this total, (I scared myself after I counted them all up, it didn't feel like there were that many, I keep all of my layers in groups. There's a layer for everything! XD) it took six days to do all of this. @_@
This is my lovely sketch

(Also in a spoiler because its giant too.) :
All this was was base color, a ton of shading, changing the layer types, (For the eyes I used luminosity and overlay layers.) and a lot of time and motivation.

I did the background by making a black to white gradient, then using filter>pixelate>half tone. After that, you make a new layer over it and color in the color you want the dots to be, then change the layer type to "screen". Don't quote me on this, but I think that works in Gimp too.