You're being way too hard on yourself. Your art is much better than mine was when I was ten and I've been drawing all my life. Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure if you keep practicing you'll be great. You clearly have talent. It just needs to be honed a little. Your current drawings are anything but bad and you're sure to improve as you get older. With time comes experience and with experience comes improvement.Well, thanks, but really my art it not that good. Kuromametchifan123 is probably 13 or something. I'm 10. My art is failed because the colouring is crude and the shapes are uneven.
They're very good drawings! The shading is accurate and looks 3-D, and the lines are pretty smooth. Improvements: Smaller bodies and more sense of where the light is coming from.Wagashietchi and Crepetchi! I haven't drawn Tamagotchi characters by hand before, but I copied it off the internet XD![]()
Good drawing! It does look kind of rushed, but it's still cute. Improvement: Shaing on the dress.Whipped this up in a couple seconds? It's not very good or detailed but I'm still learning all these art programs D;
They're good for a beginner. I wouldn't call them terrible, it takes a while to get the hang of computer drawing. I assume you're using MS Paint - I can't do any better than those with that program. You're obviously good at drawing as I can tell from your characters drawn by hand, you're just getting used to computer drawing. Improvements: Generally more accurate, better proportions and maybe some shading.![]()
Yeah, they're terrible![]()
It's a pretty good drawing. You also seem to be using MS Paint, which is difficult but it's the only thing some people have. Improvements: More consistent (e.g. the hands should be outlined with black), some shading.My tama leads a tragic and depressing life![]()
It's absolutely not terrible, that's a really good drawing. I can't even think of any possible improvements, so I'll just say - learn how to draw like that without having to copy! You can do it with practice!I copied off Kuromametchifan123
Its terrible![]()
It's a really good drawing, the shading is accurate with a sense of where the light is coming from. Improvement: Smoother lines. Unless you're using a different version of ArtRage to me, the lines should automatically be smoother than that, so I have no idea why they're not. Are you using the ink pen tool, the one in the bottom right-hand corner?Tamatchi using Dazz's program. Credit goes for her for showing me it.