Tama Art


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Dazz's drawings are improving. :) Although Melodytchi seems to need a little more work, Dazz....her arms and legs should be longer; she looks like a munchkin. Kurofan123's Lovelitchi's ears are just a little too short, but the Himespetchi drawing is very good. Very nice work, Kurofan. :)

Anyway, here is "Metal Melodytchi". Hopefully it's not too sloppy; overall its quality is pretty good, and Melodytchi is pretty accurate in my opinion. What do you think?


A bit of info on the making of this picture: This is the very first time I've drawn Melodytchi. Originally, I was going to think of some "humorous" picture, sort of like the star-struck Kuro picture, featuring Melodytchi. I later decided to simply make her the only character in the picture, and focus on a slightly more "serious" drawing. Seeing that Melodytchi plays music (normally on a violin), I gave her an electric guitar, and added part of some sheet music from a metal song. I was going to add a zigzaggy speech ballon with her singing the words to Metallica's "No Remorse", but scrapped that idea, and simply left the sheet music and Melodytchi.

Not bad for a first drawing of that character. :)

Nice work! I have one suggestion though, and this is for everybody except EMF...your Tama characters are too tall! Tamas are usually portrayed with bodies a fair amount smaller than the heads, and your Melodytchi (The Ultimate Doomer) looks more like a person than a Tamagotchi. Just saying. :)

So what could I improve about:

Lovelin? I already know I must improve the eyes and ears and am working on it.

Melodytchi? I already know I must improve the length of the limbs.


Mametchi? I already know I must improve how skinny I make him and am working on it.

Kuromametchi? I have improved the ears. I must post a photo of my latest Kuromametchi drawings.




...Or any other character you think could be improved!

The most common advice I get is to improve all round, and that's precisely what I try to do, but I need some target or guide.

Nice work! I have one suggestion though, and this is for everybody except EMF...your Tama characters are too tall! Tamas are usually portrayed with bodies a fair amount smaller than the heads
Thanks! :) And, thanks for pointing this out, looking back at my sketchbook, I do that alot! I'm so used to drawing people, I'll work on that!

Kurofan123's Lovelitchi's ears are just a little too short, but the Himespetchi drawing is very good. Very nice work, Kurofan. :)
Thanks! :) Totally agree with this too, I'll work on making Lovelitchi's ears longer too.

Nice work! I have one suggestion though, and this is for everybody except EMF...your Tama characters are too tall! Tamas are usually portrayed with bodies a fair amount smaller than the heads, and your Melodytchi (The Ultimate Doomer) looks more like a person than a Tamagotchi. Just saying. :)

So what could I improve about:

Lovelin? I already know I must improve the eyes and ears and am working on it.

Melodytchi? I already know I must improve the length of the limbs.


Mametchi? I already know I must improve how skinny I make him and am working on it.

Kuromametchi? I have improved the ears. I must post a photo of my latest Kuromametchi drawings.




...Or any other character you think could be improved!

The most common advice I get is to improve all round, and that's precisely what I try to do, but I need some target or guide.
Dazz, I understand where you're coming from with the whole tamas are portrayed as having small bodies thing. However, I prefer to draw a bit more realistic, which is why I give my tamas a bit bigger bodies. I respect your opinion on the matter, though. :)

I prefer to draw a bit more realistic, which is why I give my tamas a bit bigger bodies. I respect your opinion on the matter, though. :)
I agree, I made Melodytchi more "realistic" on purpose. Although I don't really like seeing Tamas with completely human bodies, I do like to draw them more "normal-looking," and less "short cuddly animal". :)

I drew this last night:


The Japanese says "Tama-Friends!" from the new theme song from the Tamagotchi anime. (It's so catchy!) The reason everything looks so...scribbly is because I couldn't find my only blending stump! I had to use a tortillion for the shading, instead of my blending stump. :/ (If you have no idea what I was just talking about, look here :) : https://www.easy-drawing-lessons.com/blending-tool.html)

your Tama characters are too tall! Tamas are usually portrayed with bodies a fair amount smaller than the heads, and your Melodytchi (The Ultimate Doomer) looks more like a person than a Tamagotchi. Just saying. :)
But aren't Tamas sort of persons in a way? Melodytchi DOES look like a person - she's a person-like Tama, whereas, say, Kuchipatchi is an animal-like Tama.

Kurofan123's latest drawing is very good...even though Melodytchi probably "looks like a person". :D

Here are more yikky-yukkity goops I made.


Me no did the shading dark enough. Wata...Wata... I NEED WATA!

Here's a derpy Uwasatchi.


...And a blobified Kuromametchi.


A picture that took me 5,000 hours. 4,999 of those hours were spent making Mametchi's eyes. He's in da spoiler because he's so big, like Gotchiman in Rainbow Dash's spoiler.


And a picture made using a different computer art program called Gimp.


And Dazz, your drawings are getting awesomener! I really like your latest Kuromametchi picture. I might post some Tama pics I did when I was 8 someday. Someday when I don't know any better.

~ EMF :newmametchi:

I already saw them on Tamagotchi Wikia a few days ago, but good job! How do you get such good symmetry? Do you use the curved line tool on Paint?

EDIT: I just found what was wrong with my drawings! After staring at EMF's for 30 seconds, I saw where I'm going wrong! I need to make things less pointy! THAT'S WHAT MADE MY DRAWINGS FAIL! BTW, the ones in the first post are failures and you know it. ;)

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I'm seeing a lot of cool art work here, this isn't really tama related but its a square pizza gif i made yesterday lol:


I drew this Moriritchi a few hours ago:


Her left wink is kind of sloppy, so are the little circles on her dress, mostly because the mechanical pencil I used to draw this was cracking in the middle and I didn't realize it until I was done. :p

Lovelitchi and Meloditchi in their pajamas! :


I drew this today at 12 am, it's based on a picture of Lovelitchi and Meloditchi in their PJs on Tamagotchi Wikia. :) I erased so many times though, you can see them on the paper...

The main Tamagotchi girls as humans:


I've been wanting to do this for a while, and I'm really happy about how they turned out! It took me two hours to draw, ink, and color them all. It wouldn't have taken me that long if it had been daytime, as I started to draw them at one in the morning, after I finished drawing Lovelitchi and Meloditchi in their PJs. :)

Closer up:


Himespetchi, Makiko, Memetchi, Moriritchi...


Then after Memetchi and Moriritchi again, Lovelitchi, Meloditchi, and Kizunatchi. :)

Great drawings, kuromametchifan123! I can't draw humans to save my life. Last time I drew one I was trying to draw my head teacher for a Religious Education lesson (???) and my friend said it looked like a soldier with manga eyes.

Great drawings, Fwog! Just a question...why didn't you give me that birthday card?

EDIT: Fwoggy spent forever on the one with the blue background...she did it in her scrap book at school. Our teacher had the stupid idea to throw all our scrap books out, so THANK YOU ANNOYING BOY IN OUR CLASS for crying because he wanted his scrap book back or you wouldn't have seen those drawings! ;)

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