Stupid Things.


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My brother was screaming with his face Like three inches away from mine then I was going to scream at him to but before I could I let out a giant buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp. lol he cried.

-color_kraze :p

I was shopping with my Nan today and she was getting something out of the freezer and I always do weird spins and stuff and when I turned around there was like 2 people staring at me o_O

Stupid me does stupid things in public.

Okay, I just got back from Atlanta. here are some thigns that me and Javonda did.

Javonda took a strawberry off of my moms waffle one morning. Then she randomly jumped into the chair beside the bed I was laying in, then she yelled, "Fruity,Tasty, Very Good! That strawberry taste just like it should! Yay Strawberries!" then she jumped onto the bed. It was hilarious.

Then we were in the trunk of my brothers GMC Jimmy, when all the sudden, my mom stopped the car. So all the sudden, my head flew back and hit the window, and I yelled "Owie!" in a cheerful way... So from the front of the car it would've sounding like, *BAM* *says in cheerful way* Owie! LOL it was funny.

My red-haired friend came to school on mufty day wearing a shirt that said, "I'm a dumb blonde, please speak slowly!" Everyone laughed at her because she's not a blonde!

It was so, so dumb.

i remember once in PE we were doing balances and the teacher said dont try and balance on eacothers shoulder do i crouched on all 4 and luke stood on my shoulders

i stood up the teacher saw us and he was like


everyone else was applauding

then luke fell off

At netball practice today at school, my friend threw the ball at me (at catching practice) and bend my fingers backwards. Now they're really tight. I cant wait for P.E tomorrow. goody. XD


I over heard this when fridgos and his friend were talking:

In class they had to tell teh teacher where - Sarajavo(sp?) was. He yelled out NORWAY and got told off :kusatchi:

Done anything really stupid lately? Got any stupid jokes? This is your place!I got the idea for this off my Mum's website and thought It's perfect for TamaTalk because we have so many TamaTalker who are hyper.

Maybe even some stupid pictures?

Enjoy the stupidness.
Not many that I can remember. I sometimes think things through quickly but some slip through.

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I over heard this when fridgos and his friend were talking:
In class they had to tell teh teacher where - Sarajavo(sp?) was. He yelled out NORWAY and got told off ^_^
Hey..... :(

Thern again, I do shout random things that are irrelivent to whats going on

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