Story #1


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(OMG Firewall, not the END! Never end topics without the topic starter or guides permisson! Please ignore Firewall's rude post above this post! Humans don't exist in this story I think)

Anyway, when The family returned, they saw more tamas dead. "Oh no." said Tamitchi "time to settle this once in for all..." she ran toward darktchi's labratory.

The Pichu was immediately happy to see his mother so happy, and evolved into a Pikachu, who immediately took off into his own world. He found a thunderstone laying on the ground and evolved into a Raichu!

For this i hated her so much its so unfair, im one of the prettiest girls in school yet people still bully me....should i ifight back or let it keep happening?

Don't be silly.

Mandy and Andy grinned and managed to get themselves home.

The next day, Mandy and Andy called eachother up.

Andy: You know what...I've got a secret!

Mandy: Hey, me too!

Andy: I've got a crush!

Mandy: OMG same here!

Andy: Lemme tell you who it is..

Mandy: We'll both say it at the same time, ok?

"One, two, three-"and they said the same name!

Your not allowed to make posts forcing people to come to this topic. Sorry but if no one posts no one likes it leave it as is and then it will get lost.

Magic! Said Christina. Of course, there was girl angrily puffing her cheeks and grumbling. "STUPID CHIRSTHINA!" she yelled. "princess Savory, what's wrong?" asked her butler. "Christina Licorice!!" She said. "SHE TOOK MY SWEETHEART, CARLOS MARRIED HIM!" She broke down in tears. "call the royal knights to go hang her she yelled angryily. "Now.. She looked in her magic ball that inside, was a image of Chirstina rocking the baby.

...a lonely onionotchi. The poor little Tama's fumes made the mametchi cry, and cry, and cry. In fact, he cried sooo much, that he covered 70 percent of the Earth with salty water. Then...he became hungry. Sooo....he ate THE MOON!! ;) Yeah, yeah...and after that... ^_^

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