Story #1


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he tried to ignore it but soon he couldnt. one day he ran home loked his door then out of nowhere he looks in the mirror and he was a beautiful :hitodetchi: . when he got to school every body liked him so they.....

Eventualy :D evolved into a ;) and Tilly evolved into a young mametchi. ;) got a job as a fashon desighner.

c'mon u guys/gals. get on with the story. If u guys use this story as ur arguing spot theres no point in doing it.

The owners of the two twins had kinda got bored of tamagotchis now. Melonie, the owner of Simon's twin had a new boyfriend, and Lula the owner of Jesse's twin had just got a new cool computer with AWESOME Graphics. :(

The two twins were left alone for a whole hour one day, they were hungry, sad and alone. Jesse's twin, Bluebell beeped loudy, and Simon's twin Patty, pushed against her screen. The screen came loose!


...and resumed stiching back the hole in the ozone. It was then that he noticed a shooting comet. Reaching out he grabbed the tail of the comet and it pulled him free of the ozone. He flew through space past stars and the milky way which reminded him of how hungry he really was. It was then that he noticed a small....

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Mosqueito that was lodgeing himelef on his arm.But since the tama he was 'eating' had so much blood he over flowed and blew up.Then the big tama thought the blood from the explosion and thought it might have been cherry sauce. He licked it up witch resulted him losing all the extra weight! As he fell to eatth he shouted....

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He said NO and right then he turned into a mametchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then they go on a vacation and had a girl named Amy and she wanted to be a mimitchi.Tilly got a job as a scientist


Eventualy Amy turned into a mimitchi and Married a :D On the day of her wedding her dad tilly died.Then as soon as he died his body came back to life but as a Angelgotchi!

I am Eva a young :ph34r: the Unpopular . Just now I`m getting a big makeover -1 day later- first day of school!!! Because of the makeover populars and nerds are on me like this,(me in center) :eek: :huh: :huh: :huh: :lol: :huh: :( ...

Then a person droped bombs on the kingdom and they all died and they all became zombies and they all got killed by the zombie hunter DA END !!!!!!

I am very happy with my new look. But I am still unpopular! Lauren ( The most popular girl in school) even pushed me into the school swimming pool!

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