"well, If he wants to be that way, I'll let him. Besides, no one would help me in this mission though it was a "group" mission so I'll have to do it alone." Ruby said to herself. She jumped back onto Salamence and flew to Virdian Forest to find out about the rumors. It was really easy at first, defeating sll the enemies and all but Sally and Draga started to get tired. She quickly got outnumbered by her wrost fear. Fire pokemon. She stuttered in fear, then remember what she could do. "Celebi, Celeibi, the time travelling pokemon. Come to thee and lend the strength to me to seek." A light started to shine and poof! Celebi came and stopped time except for herself, Ruby, Sally and Draga. "Thanks Cellina! You really helped!" Ruby knew she wasn't allowed legendarys on her to team instead, Celebi and Ruby became best friends. While they were talking, time suddenly started again and all the pokemon jumped. Celebi knew she wasn't strong against fire types, but she knew she had to help a friend and teleported them to somewhere else, keeping it the same time. "thanks!" Ruby said, but whie she was talking, a little boy was spying on her and quickly ran off.