Definitely try the rice, I friend of mine did this too her tama ( although she dropped hers in apple juice ) and it turned out like nothing ever happened. The only problem was my friend forgot she put her tama in the bag of rice. Months later she went to make curry rice and looked for extra rice in her cupboard, began to pour it out when her tama dropped into the bowl. It was very funny at the time ^ ^
P.S. The tama still worked after all those months, it just needed a battery change ^ ^
I don't mean to sound rude, so please forgive me but don't shake the tama, or blow dry it ! The milk could spread to other parts if you shake it, the tama could still be saved as long as you don't. And blow drying can cause the parts to overheat, frying it . . . I'm so sorry I don't meant to sound rude I just want very much to save this tama ^ ^ ; ; sorry.