So, how was your day?


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Everyone's paranoid. I mean, not everyone. Just my teacher xD She like, "0MG Y0U'R3 SIcK?/??? G0 T0 TH3 NuRS3 BLAHBLAHBLAH SWINE FlU wILL G3T Y0U BLaHBLAHbLAH@!!!!!!1!11!"

Lol. I just had to put that in n00b talk xD

Today was cool. First thing I did was go on my DS. Then I got dressed and had breakfast, etc.. Got to school, met with Jen. I brought my DS to school, and so did Jeeeen. So we randomly pictochatted before the bell went.

When we got to class, Mr K wasn't there. We had this subsitute, Mrs Sutton. First thing we did was spelling. Jen, Mikee, and I made word finds using our spelling words. I accidentally had written ''rape'' and ''aids'', Jen noticed. We also put in an extra word each. We spent forever trying to find them. Jen's was ''andyawesome'' and mine was ''jesus''. It was haaaaard. Then after spelling, we had literacy. Just this random reading comprehension. Mikee, Jen, Emily, and I were completely off-task. Dx

The bell soon went for lunch, and all Jen and I did was pictochat with out DSSSS'. It was pretty darn fuuuun. I kept getting nasty comments like ''YOU SUCK'' and ''YOU'RE A BUM'' ):

After lunch we had a test invacuation. So these 8 bells went and we all got told to stay inside and lock all the doors and windows. I didn't know it was a test, so Jen and I were like ''OH SHIZZZZZ. THERE'S A MURDERER OUT THERE! HE HAS A GUUUN!'' and then we said that we wanted something like that to actually happen... nothing fun happens at school :\ But yeah, we continued with our reading comprehension then. And we sorta practised for our zodiac sign speech thinggy. As I was leaving my desk to get a gluestick, Shaun came and took my chair away. I was sad. And angry. So I sighed and ran to get it back :)

Soon it was recessss. During eting time [which we had inside], I randomly said ''Oooh, funky'' in a Russian accent. Everyone just cracked up. I soon got told to say ''I'm a disgusting funky chicken'' and other random shiz like that. It was weird. Anyway, at recess Jen and I did exactly the same thing as lunch, just Mikee was with us this time. And Jen sat on the stump about 10 metres away from me. I was on a bench :3 And Mikee was going back and forwards between us while singing You Belong With Me O: xD

We then had science. It was boringggggg. We had to make these paper helicopters that wouldn't work at all or spin. It wasn't fun. But I stole a couple of paperclips, which made me happy :] We then worked on our mini planetariums. And soon it was home time, so I walked homeeee.

I came on the computer once I got home, and ate ate ate. I talked on the phone to Jen and Maria too. I also watched Talkin' Bout Your Generation and this epic X-Men cartoon. 'Twas fun. And here I am now, 9:40pm, sitting on my bed and typing this 8D

[And why is it that my posts in this topic are all so incredibly long and detailed? I believe it must be waaaay too much to read. Especially since it's boring x3 ]



Bookstore shopping, cousins coming, finally getting internet access, finding out that I might be able to meet Monstr. Mmhmm. It was good.


Woke up at 7:15AM.

Went to Summer Gym -- 8AM.

20-minute run/walk. I worked so hard on it. I was proud of my laps. :)

Swimming -- 20 lengths.

Played volleyball.

Ran on the treadmill in the fitness center.

Ate half a salad.

Had a milkeshake. xD (Coffee/chocolate flavored, nom)

Picked up my mom's parking permit.

Went to the library.

Finished another book.

Returned three books.

Took out two more books.

Read one of those books.

Registered for the Summer Reading Program, so I get prizes for how much I read. xD

Got on the library computer.

... That's where I'm at now. I'm getting picked up soon to go get my contacts, :)

Well, my day turned out better than I thought. No school because I was sick. So I watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. It was very enjoyable~


Today.. hmm?

Well for some reason I was drained of energy, like more than usual. So during one of my classes I was going slightly insane and randomly laughing at things. I think I needed a sugar pick-me-up because I didn't eat breakfast again. I went over to the teacher's desk and just poured myself a cup of coffee, but it ended up being this weird tea stuff. It was gross but I drank it anyways.

My other classes were boring. I failed my math test, and the exam is next Thursday.

I also can't get everything else that is on my mind off of it, so that's bad.

So it was okay. It could have been better.

My day was completely uneventful.

Woke up at 3pm, and have been watching a Final Fantasy VIII walk through since then.

The highlight of my day will probably be going up to Dominos and getting a bread bowl.

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Today? Wonderful.

At school I invented a new religion. Stackism.

Inside lunch+recess, 'cause of the rain.

Tomorrow? Don't know.

Starting sex ed.

School was epiccccc!

Peforming Arts was the highlight. Jen and I started off on our DS', and then I dressed up as Death. I had this alien mask thing, black clothing, and an axe. All the little kiddies were scared. Shaun had this weird lips mask and pretended to kiss Jen. I actually found that quite amusing.

And Lauren, Maddy, and Chloe now love Jen and me. They're like, 7 and 8 year olds. Though I was being a terrible role model, for reasons I shall not mention. But whatever :)

After school, I just went on the computer. We had netball practise as well, which was sooo tiring. So I came home and pretty much died. And Jen and Kylie prank called me a million times. And Maria called meeee :]

I'm in a great mood right now. :)

-- Woke up at 7:15AM.

-- Summer Gym started at 8AM.

--Ran 800m, got better by five seconds ! :)

-- Swimming, we went over the breast stroke, swam fifteen lengths and played water polo.

-- We had a volleyball tournament ! All my friends were up in the balcony when my team was up, and everytime I touched the ball, all five of them started jumping and screaming, "GREAT TRY KATIE!" or "NICE PASSSSSS KATIE!" It attracted a lot of attention, and everyone was like "whoa, you have a cheering section?" XD I felt so loved :)

-- Got a hoagie at Sheetz!

-- Put in my contacts.

-- Watched That 70's Show.

-- Right now I'm on the computer and drinking coffee.

And dude, the guy that I kinda-sorta like are talking again! We've dated before and stuff, but I don't know where my feelings are at with him exactly... but we were talking and he was like, "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" I naturally shy away from relationships and commitment, but today I'm excited and am hoping we'll start dating again. I think I'm ready for a steady relationship now, I just hope I don't back out at the last minute and hurt him again. :I

Oh, and my friend and I decided we're gonna play tennis in the fall! Haha :)

I'm such an optimist right now, lol :D


English - Romeo and Juliet bedroom scene. Harriet says "Shes 13, she can't have big ****s" And then Juliet rolls over and Harriet yells "Man! I was so wrong!"

Science - Signs on teachers backs are so much fun!

Maths - Well. I texted all through maths.

Lunch - Surprise party for Amy. Party poppers. Cutting cake with scissors.

Socail Studies - Fell off chair backwards. "Touch this" Sticker on Laurens butt.

Drama - Assesment. Oh yeah. Top scoring pair!

It was pretty freaking awesome.

Well I woke up at 3:00 pm, I never fell asleep until 7:30 am. It was so hot in my house I couldn't sleep.

After I got up, I had a popsicle, to cool me down. Didn't help. So now its 11:36 pm, I' havent had anything to eat all day, and the Fan is going. Not a goood day.

My day was pretty nice.

So, I ended up falling alseep really early last night and woke up around 3am.. I went back to sleep around 5am. I got to wake up around 9 because I don't have a first period class for summer school so I don't have to be there for second till 10:15.. I went to summer school till 12:30, which was okay, since I'm just taking an art class for it. After summer school I got Pad Thai with my friend and we sat on the ground at the train station and ate it before the train came.. we took the train to Chicago and shopped around for awhile.

When we came back we went back to my friend's house and invited one of our friends over, then got Ice Cream and just kinda hung out. Now I'm waiting for my clothes to finish washing so I can move them into the dryer.

+ I'm getting my septum pierced tomorrow night!


I went to school, and since it was Teresa's birthday we crowded around her and sang Happy Birthday to the tune of Sway Sway Baby. Yes, we're wierd.

Then we did all the normal school-day stuff. Blah.

Came home. Ate chips. Finished TGR.

Carrie's on MSN telling me how nice my DP is. Curse those bracelets.

Today was pretty chill.

Woke up at 5pm, friend came over, we went shopping and I got a job application. Came home, filled out said application, went and got food, then came home and played Wii Fit. Now we're playing Harvest Moon.

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