So, how was your day?


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I went to the movies with Julia, Brenda, Shaina and Shaina's friends Abby, Courtney, Diana and her sister Brianna. For Shaina's birthday we saw Land of the Lost. Was fun. I walked into the theater with a neck pillow around my neck I found in her car cause that's how awesome I am.

Then we went to a restaurant and had fun. We had chocolate cake and I clogged the toilet there. 8D

Then we went back to the car and Julia was tormenting me with an olive.

Not bad.

A relaxful Sunday. Couldn't go to church. My brother is sick. D: But yeah, I've been relaxing, playing my DS, watching TV, talking with you guys. =3

And now I'm waiting to see what we're having for dinner. The most stressful part of the day. xD

Church was funny. Me and Joelle get up to mischief afterwards.

[ It's not as wrong as it sounds. xD ]

Then there was a parade, and all the five year olds were rushing to get the lollipops and such, joined by me. I swear I was the only thirteen year old in that little crowd of childs.

And then they opened up a new CVS so I got some powder because I sat on my old one.

Today was amazing.


I had to do the dishes

I [still] have to write an essay, and I didn't bring the book home, and its worth 10 percent of my final mark.

I had to record my presentation for english [which is also worth a lot]

and I had to have a shower so I looked good in the video which took up time.

and now I have to be at school for 8:30 instead of 1 so I can do the essay!


Was late to school. Avoided late detention by making up some crap sob story.

Got a detention anyway for not doing homework.

Did homework during detention. Escaped early. Ate food.

Got bored out of my simple mind.

And here we are.

Woke up.

Went to school at 8:50am

Usual school shizz

Lunch: Started to insert my 50c coin into peep's tops

Went home

Started to work out the lyrics of Technologic.

Downloaded new cursor.

Ate dinner.

And on TT.

Oh yes.

People laughed at me all day. With my Wiggles band aids on. Then they laughed even more when they asked what I did and my response was "I cookie cutter"

It was very musical and school-y.


I woke up, way early, like 4AM, and sat and wrote for like an hour. Then it was about 5AM, and I got up, made breakfast for Mum, Ky and myself.

I went to school, where I did my music assessment piece with my friendssss. Then we stayed in the music room all of both breaks and played guitars and shizzzzzle.

T'was fun :)

Now I'm uploading photos to Photobucket to show Monstr :)

Woke up. Did the usual of a normal school morning. Played on my DS for a while, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Then walked to school and met Jen there.

First thing we did was maths. BORING MUCH? Jen was being slightly angry and moody throughout this part as well, and that made me feel no better so I joined in the angryness. We then walked to the library and were forced to borrow maths dictionaries D:< After we had finished maths, we went on the computers and did stuff for our Premiere's Reading Challenge.

LUNCHHH! Lunch was cool. We hung out at the little kid's playground, sitting there on the cement, getting told we look like hobos. We were complaining that we wanted our DS's so we could Pictochat. Rawruhhh.

Next was maths. Maths maths maths maths. And more maths. So much maths, my brain was gonna explodeeeee. It was terrible. Buttttt, neh. I managed to stay calm through it.

After that we had recessssss. I had my lovely Russian pie, which was cool. I didn't know how to use the microwave, so Jen microwaved it for me. And we spent recess kicking the ball to eachother, and randomly hanging around on the hill.

Theeeeeen we had something. What'd we have...? Oh yeah. Performing Arts. I live for that stuff, definately my favourite school subject. When we were lining up to go in, Jen and I were throwing the ball at eachother, and I managed to hit a poor girl in the face and she started crying. I felt and feel so guilty D: Anyway, we had to play this song on instruments. I got to use the bins which were made to look like drums, guitars, and these weird chaballa's or something :\ The song was hell annoying, but it was cool :]

Soon after, we had silent reading. I read CHARLOTTE'S WEB, which is a book made for 9 year olds, apparently. It's still cool. We only did that for like 40mins, and then it was time for the gym kids to go to gym. Jen and I were meant to work on our miniature planetariums, but we ended up drawing on the whiteboard. That's when we made up Zoorakaneena, the xD smilie.

I then walked homeeeee, and stayed on the computer since. Texted Jen a bit, and am now video calling this little grade 4 from our class on MSN :)

Well, I just woke up. And my brother is super sick with like the flu and my mom's taking him to the doctor... So I'm just hoping I'll stay healthy. o_o

I sucked at Ultimate... Kinda... Well, I had to check a short asian kid, then a tall hat kid. The tall hat kid was quite good, so I switched with the other guy on my team, then got another short asian kid :)

Decent ~

Woke up at 7:15AM.

Summer Gym started at 8AM.

Ran the 800m.

Swam 20 lengths.

Played volleyball.

Played kickball.

Went home.

Had lunch.

Went to my guitar lesson.

Went to my mom's dentist appointment.

Had dinner.

Watched That 70's Show.

Helped mom water the plants.

Took some pictures.

Got on the computer.

... I'm watching Jon & Katie Plus Eight now.

Later I'm reading and getting ready for bed. :]

Dad came home :]Went to school.


Came home.

Got iPhone.

Wasn't sick much. Day 4 FTW! ~
OMG your SO lucky!

I want the iPhone SO BAD!


But mine was good, I stalked out where my crush lives... o_O


Woke up. Morning routine...

Watched Romeo and Juliet. Romeo tried to eat her.

Enviro. Pretended to be swine flu paranoid. Sanatized everything. Covered the desk in paper towels.

Got through every door in the school with out touching a door handle.

Socail inquiry :)

Science was fun.

PE was epic.

Text Shanan all day.

Got home. Peeled potatoes.

Walked dog. Bought cookie. Got coffee. Bought candy.

Went home.

Fixed the interwebs.

And here we are.

`Twas a good day.

Got up.

Drank chocolate milk.

Helped my brother do coloring.

Fought with him.

Painted his nails.

Painted my own.

Fought with him.

Got on TT.

Going to go and have breakfast.

Usual Tuesday

-Got in a fight with y friend's friend, tellin me I'm emo.

-Gifted 5 people

-And here on TT


I have a habit of putting coins down my shirt and then giving them to unsuspecting passers-by.

Well today was no exception :]

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