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As I say these stories, it's snowing, explaining why I'm at home. It's coming down pretty hard, and my dog just spins in circles and eats it as he goes, so there is always a circle of no snow everytime it snows. xDDD
That sounds so cute!!

We had snow this morning, and our Science teacher told us it wouldn't still be snowing at break, but it was still snowing about an hour ago haha But it rained earlier so it isn't sticking.

A few weeks back we had a few days off, but I don't think we'll get anymore soon. Anyway we break up for half term on Friday :p


It's sooooo unfair that you guys don't have to go to school. I live in FINLAND. YES. There's an AWFUL lot of snow here every winter ... Like from November to March... And we always have to go to school. D: Finnish people are so used to snow... Blech. I wanna be home in the warm <3

one day i was heading out into the snow and i went to walk out the door with 1 boot on almost stepped in the snow with my sock on and me and my family were heading out to go to family holiday thing and it was really slippery out and my mom was carrying her coffee in one hand and her purse on the other shoulder she slipped and landed like she was just sitting down on the ice without spilling her coffee. she didnt get hurt but it was really funny.

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The Year 11s were hurling them at the Year 7s. I lol'd. A lot.


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We just got 30 inches of snow.

I fell in this snow. I couldn't get up. I kinda just rolled around for 10 minutes.. My mom stood there laughing at me. :p

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On the Monday after the big snowstorms at the start of the year, I was walking home, and one of my now ex-guy friends was annoying me so I, being the lovely perosn I am, went to kick him in the back on the knees, slipped over and fell on my butt. I got wet x.x

We just got 30 inches of snow.
I fell in this snow. I couldn't get up. I kinda just rolled around for 10 minutes.. My mom stood there laughing at me. :p
I fell in our 30 inch snow too. My mom was all, "Oh no, Krystal! Get up!" I'm all, "TRYING, THANKS." xD

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You know, when your expecting it to snow and your waiting outside the window singing "Let it snow let it snow let it snow" it never seems to actually come, but if you just leave it alone, forget to look and fall asleep or something, you look out of the window and its covered!

All snow has gone with us now but think there might be a chance of some soon because every morning when I'm walking to the bus stop there's always frost and ice.


When I was 7 and my brother was 5 we were having a snowball fight with small snowballs then my brother turned round and I lobbed a huge snowball that was almost bigger than him and he just fell backwards and made a fantastic my brother shaped pattern in the snow. :)

It snows a lot here!

One day there was this huge storm - melted snow was running down the street, and there were huge patches of ice and snow piled in the middle of the road. And this was June of last year o:

It can get as cold as -30*C (so around -20ish farenheit?) and usually it stops snowing around April. One time this year, around early December it was snowing so much, (we got the day off school yaaay!) the kids that live on my road were skiing down the street.

But sledding.. it is the funnest thing ever if you're on a steep enough hill ^^

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XD yes i have once me and my brothers and my friends were tied onto the back of the car and my friend Rachel screamed and freaked out and she was falling of onto the rode and she dragged me with her XD.I also got ran over by my older brother XD.Its hurt SO BAD,but it was still fun XD.

Oh snow. I have one memory that's kind of personal, but its my fondest snow memory. <33

It happened about seven, eight years ago and I still remember it clearly.

Last year, My best friend,(ESS) burried me. And she got tons of people to come over. And everone was like. "And? It's just a snow pile." two minutes later. "RAA!" I scared them. I was a living snow pile. Some kids screamed.

Thats my job.


We had the most snow in 1 day since 1899! [or 111 years ago] ;) Then today when it was melted me and friends rolled around in snow and it was hard! It poked our backs and we just kept rolling down hills!

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