Sleepy Hollow


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Brayden grabbed his long bored, and giving Isabelle one last smile, walked out the door. He decided to take the stairs, and ran down them. He pushed the revolving door, walking outside. There was the cool September breeze that he loved outside, and it was dark. Brayden put down his longboard and got on it, kicking the ground and heading home. He was making pretty good time, but was trying to be careful of cars, not wanting to end up like Isabelle. Then, he started to hear a horse galloping. "Wow, my head must be playing tricks on me." he muttered to himself, continuing to his house.

"Oh," Isabella said, still in a haze," Alright. Bye..." She lay back down and fell asleep.

When she woke up, her head still hurt, but this time she was in a different room. Hers. She jolted up and checked the time; 2:15. It was bright outside so it must be the afternoon. She slowly got up in fear of the ghastly pain but surprisingly it was no longer there. She walked out of her room.

"Mom?" She called. There was a bustling downstairs. "Sweetie?" Called her mother. She could hear her mother rushing upstairs. "Oh you're awake!" She cried, hugging her tightly.

As she headed out of the quick mart, Rachel thought of what to do next. She finally just decided on heading to the local park to go practice shooting goals, even though she was already pretty darn good at it. She began to walk towards the park, sucking on her awesomely delicious popsicle, and listening to her mp3 while she was at it. When she got to the park, she was shocked at how empty it was. "Hm, odd. Oh well." She walked into the park, and then began to dig into her bag for a ball.

Brayden decided to take a shortcut. He made a short turn, and went through the woods, crossing the famous bridge from the old urban legend. He headed for the soccer field, has after he passed it he would be back on the road. After a few minutes, he was on the field. He saw a girl shooting goals, and went over. "A little late, isn't it Rachel?" he asked, recognizing her from school.

Hearing someone talk to her, irritated, Rachel spun around to see who it was. "Oh, you. That one guy who's like in four of my classes." She turned back around, and shot a goal. "Well, I can do what I want for as late as I want. Not like my parents will care, as long as I'm back for dinner." She hoped he would leave, since she sensed he was one of those people who loved to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk. Gawd, those types of people irked her beyond belief. Hoping he would pick up on the fact she wanted him to GTFO, she continued to shoot goals, one by one. Each one went perfectly in, none of them missing.

"You know, it's not really good practice unless you have a goalie." Was all Brayden said. "But I can see you don't want to be bother, so I'll leave." he shrugged. "Need to get home anyway."" and with that, Brayden went off and got home a few minutes later. His mom and dad were on the couch, his mom crying and his dad consulting her. "Who died?" Brayden joked.

"You're brother was found dead today, where were you?"

Isabella trudged down the stairs into her living room with her mother and plopped down on the couch.

"Do you want anything to eat? You're probably starving," her mother cooed, rummaging through the kitchen cubbards. Isabella hadn't really thought about food, but now that she mentioned it she was famished.

"Sure," murmured Isabella, flicking on the TV. The news came on: "Just this afternoon, an old woman was found dead in her home. They found her on the floor of her bathroom..." said the lady on the news. It showed a video and you could almost see the old womans face. She widened her eyes and rewinded the news and paused it. "Oh my god," she said, her jaw dropping, "It's..." Her mother turned around and screamed, dropping to the floor.

"... Grandma."

"Yeah, yeah. See ya." Rachel went back to kicking for a while longer, until she got hungry and wanted to go home and eat. She put the ball back in her bag, and began to head home through the near empty park. As she approached her neighborhood, she nearly tripped over an unmoving body. She looked down. "What. The. *&(()." She used her foot to carefully roll the man over. "He's.. Dead. Well. I'd better call the police.."

Isabella woke up the next day, in the same position on the couch that she'd been in for almost 7 hours. She was still curled up in a ball, eyes wide open, barely even breathing. She had no idea what happened to her mother, but Isabella couldn't get up. She was in too much shock to move. After about another hour, she gained the strength to turn around and look at the clock; 10:55 p.m.. She suddenly felt hungry so she got up to get a muffin. Then she spotted her mother out on the patio, leaning up against the railing on the stairs. Isabella walked to the door sliding it opened and sat down next to her mother, resting her head on her shoulder.

Brayden woke up in his bead, laying on his stomach and his pillow covering his head. "Ugh, what time is it?" He asked, throwing the pillow on the floor and rubbing his eyes. "What, 11 o'clock! How did I sleep in this late?" He asked himself, before shaking his head. His parents told him last night he didn't have to go back to school until he was ready, so he grabbed the pillow off of the floor and laid back down, put his phone on his chest so Brayden would feel it vibrate if someone called.

Isabella must've fallen back to sleep because she woke up on the patio steps, head on her mothers lap. She rolled over and looked at her mother. Her mother almost looked ghost like, staring straight ahead, face pale like a corpse.

"Mom?" Isabella croaked, "Do you want me to get you something to eat?" She poked her mother. "Mom, are you asleep?" She pushed her a little bit and her mother fell down the stairs. "Mom!" She screamed, crawling down to lift her up. She hugged her mother and shivered. Why is she so cold, Isabella thought, it still feels like summer... Isabella put her hand over her mouth. She couldn't gain enough strength to suck in any air. She suddenly became dizzy and put a hand on her mother's chest.


Brayden finally had gotten out of bed, and walked downstairs. He grabbed his longboard, and decided a ride might be best. Putting on a hoodie, he put up his hood so he couldn't be recognized and headed off, through the woods to the bridge. He umped off and sat at the edge of the famous bridge. Brayden sighed, looking down.

After having called the police and letting them handle the man, Rachel had gone home. She went to school on time the next day, paying no attention to the fact the teacher was crying because apparently, four of the students had been found dead. She hated those kids anyway. One of the things that she noticed was that that dumb kid Brayden or whatever wasn't at school. She sincerely hoped he was dead. Chewing a stick of bubble gum, she blew a bubble and then stared out the window.

Brayden just continued tosit there, thinking about all the deaths. He looked down, shaking his head. "Whoever did that, I will have my revenge." he said, before slipping out his phone. Brayden decided to send his mother a text to let her know where he was. 'Sorry mom, went out for some fresh air. Am alright, just thinking about Steven.' he typed

before putting the the number and sending it. But what Brayden didn't know is that he accidentally sent it to Rachel instead, as she was right below his mother in his contact list.

Isabella walked to the bathroom and stared in the mirror. Her entire face was red from tears. She slpashed some water over her eyes, dying her face with a towel and brushing her teeth. She looked back up. The tears started pouring out again. "I look like my mother!" She cried, running downstairs and bumping into her father. She stared up at him immediately to see his reaction. His face was red and he just walked right past her up the stairs. She swore she saw a tear drop from his eye. No one had ever seen him cry. She had to get out of the house.

Isabella sprinted out the door and down the street towards her school. She stopped for a breath at the back of the school, leaning up against the wall. She stood back up, panting and walked through the path in the forest. She sat on the wet soil, using a tree for support, and tucked her legs into her chest. Images kept playing through her head. What's next?! she thought, Everyone that I love is dying. For Jesus sake I almost died! Isabella started to bawl. There were so many tears coming out she wondered if she would ever be able to cry again.

Brayden then heard the sound of crying. It was...unsettling, to say the least, disturbing the quiet nature of the forest he had came for. Normally, Brayden would do the right thing and make sure no one was hurt, but he just didn't care today. He was being selfish, and stayed in his seat at the bridge. Sunset was beginning to happen, and again, he could her a horse galloping through the forest.

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