skill points?


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Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score
L-town [aka:Lanai City] HAWAII!!
i really dont know how to gain controll over my skill anyone know how?

i really neet to boost up my Style skill points.i know that food can boost the skill ooints but do certian games boost certain skill points?

*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

Prepare for a Long Post...

Skill Points- The definition of Skill Points is points you gain for your tamagotchi in order to get different characters. These are earned by School, Work, and Games.

If your tamagotchi is in Child/Toddler stage, they do not gain skill points over certain games. It is completely random. So one game you may get 6 intellegence, the next maybe 2 style and 1 kindness, and the next you may get none! As I said, it is completely random. Unless you feed it a food that the main adult(explained later) of the group style you want likes.

If you do not take good care of your tama, or not enough skill points (below 10 for toddlers, and below 30 for adults.) you will get a Universal Character. If you take wonderfull care of your tam, yet have low skill points, you most likely will get Pyonkotchi if it is a girl, or one of my all-time favourites, Pyontchitchi.

When your a toddler of the 2nd gen or up, your skill points depends on what your parents were. (e.g: Your parent is a mimitchi, you will get alot of Intellegence points.) There is also three types of familys. Kuchizoku, Memezoku, and Mamezoku. (Should be Mimizoku. >.<)

Memezoku=Style(star) points

Mamezoku=Intellegence(Pencil) Points

Kuchizoku=Kindness(Flower) Points

Once you get a teen of a Family, you can not change that. Unless you get a universal adult. So if you get a young mimitchi and get alot of Style points, your tama will not become a Memezoku family adult, but the Style Female adult for the Mamezoku family, Meidotchi.

Each family has 10 adults. There is the female Style, Kindness, and Intellegence character, and the male Style, Kindness, and Intellegence. Then there is a secret character. If you get the specific Character for a family;

Mametchi=Mamezoku(you need intellegence points, male)

Kutchipatchi=Kuchizoku(You need Kindness, Male)

Memezoku=Memetchi(You need Style, Female)

Mametchi=450 or more Intellegence, you get Tensaitchi.

Memetchi=450 or more Style points, you get Makiko.

Kutchipatchi=450 or more Kindness points and you get Nonbiritchi.

I hope that clears this up...

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