Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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"Well I think she should definitely test the newcomers' abilities before assigning them a rank. It seems foolish to give them a rank without knowing anything about them." He explained, more or less to Svet but also to Fang and anyone else who cared to listen.

"Well, to be fair to Chloe," Fang said, feeling obligated to defend his sister. "She does ask everyone if there is something they want to do specifically. If they don't care then she will put them where they are needed most. She doesn't just assign ranks willy nilly. But You should talk to Dawn about that more. She is in charge of new comers now. Chloe just handled you because Dawn was sleeping the moment you arrived. I know," Fang blushed once again. "I was sleeping over her."

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Fang decided that he wanted to know this male wolf a little more, for he was the first Fang had ever talked to for more than two minutes since he was a little puppy. Chloe never really let him get near any males before. But he was grown now, and this male was also apart of the pack so Fang decided to strike up a conversation that wasn't about his sister. "So do you have a mate?" Fang asked and quickly regretted it. He should have known that it might be a sensitive subject to a wolf who just lost everything.

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Dawn had been sitting there the whole time during Chloe's panic attack and Fang's conversation with this other male-wolf, who obviously did not have the hang of his new pack yet. She slightly agreed, secretly, as her old pack was nothing like this one, in the way that they would have never taken in strays nor been so kind about it. Now in charge, Dawn decided that she was going to speak to Aire, but first felt the need to speak to Fang about her sudden strangeness.

"Fang? Can I talk to you in private for a moment?"

Grace flinched at Chloe's rage and looked at the new wolf as she moved into the group. He was blunt and didn't seem to be afraid to speak his mind. Grace wasn't sure exactly what she thought of Aire yet, only time would tell. Jack sat at Grace's feet, quiet and waiting for something to do.

Fang nodded silently at Dawn, a bit confused as to why she wanted to speak with him after she had just blown him off a few moments ago. He followed Dawn to a secluded corner, away from the others. "Yes," he asked.

Dawn sighed softly, padding slightly in a circle before plopping downward, some brown dirt restling in her all white coat. "I'm sorry about...earlier. I didn't mean to blow you off. It's just, normally, I don't trust others, especially males. I just have to get used to it. Is that ok?" She asked, licking his flank apologetically before cocking her head, awaiting an answer.

"No. I believe love is a foolish emotion that colloids one's judgement." Aire replied before fang followed Dawn away. Svet shook her head, "Aire. You claim to be lonely but you fail to believe in love. You need some help. I pray a she-wolf will come along and knock some emotions in that apathetic, logical head of yours." She said. Aire looked at her, his head cocked to the left and he spoke, "Was that an insult or a compliment?"

Lol I know right. xD Aire has an odd personality that would pxss me off in real life but I love him all the same. l333

Aire looked at Grace, confused again. "Did I...say something amusing...?"

Name: Shelly

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Girl

Personality: Perky and flirty but not the annoying.

History: Abandoned by her mother, Shelly joins a new pack and tries to find her meaning in life while she looks for the suitable mate.

Rank Wanted: Undecided

Crush: Aire

Mate: None yet

Pups: None yet

Looks: Shelly

I knooow. -3-

"It was something she said, not you." Grace replied casually, a bemused tone in her voice. She was enjoying being in a pack with other people. For once, she wasn't being teased and she felt that she could be herself around them.

We need more guys. D: LOLpoorAire.Albinoguysneedloveee!


Name: Cooper

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Personality: Cooper is an honest to goodness good guy. He is sweet and forgiving and loves to meet new people. He, like Grace, is very protective.

History: Grace's brother. After she bit him and fled, Cooper was confused. Grace thought he would be mad, but he really wasn't. From that day on, he roamed around as a lone wolf searching for his sister.

Rank Wanted: He doesn't care. He would prefer not to be a hunter though.

Crush: Depends.

Mate: None

Pups: None

Looks: Cooper

"My name is Grace. You?" She said happily. Beside her, Jack stirred briefly before settling into stillness again.

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Lol xDD Funny how he needs it but doesn't believe in it lol


Aire looked up as the scent of two strange wolves drifted into his nostrils. He failed to pay much attention to them though. "We should look around, it could do us all some good to familiarize ourselves with the territory...if the territory has been established." Svet nodded but didn't move to stand from her sitting position.

LMAO. GAYWOLF! Lol, I should make his speech color pink. :|D:D:D:D

Haha, cause that totally occurs in nature.

Grace nodded and prodded Jack with her muzzle to wake him up. He stood up sleepily and looked at Aire. "I agree." She said and stood up slowly. She eyed Svet curiously. "Are you coming? And I'm sorry, I never asked your name." She asked politely and let her tail swish across the ground.

EDIT: lulz. It seems like I edit each one of my posts at least once. I'm so forgetful. XD

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Well humans are a part of nature lol xD

"I'm Svetlana." She said dully, "I might as well come along. I've none else to do...." With that she rose to her paws and stood next to Aire, roughly pushing her flank into his in a playful, childish manner.

I have to go ;A; I'll be online most of the day tomorrow I think though. I'm leaving on the 27th for camp. I'll be gone for about a month.


On dang. D: will you be able to get on at all in that period of time?


Grace huffed and trotted to the other side of Aire with Jack right beside her. Svetlana didn't seem like the friendly type who talked much. She looked around her and took in the scent of two knew wolves. One smelled familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.


omgomgomg. I'm looking for a picture for Cooper, so I typed in "gray wolf". I glanced at it and could have sworn I searched "gay wolf" lollollol. I about died laughing at that.


that is all. C:

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For some odd reason, Fang felt that he could forgive Dawn in an instant. Something about her intrigued him and he found himself wanting to get closer to her. He nodded his head and licked her muzzle in return. "That is okay with me Dawn. I just want you to know that I will not do anything to hurt you and that I want more than anything to be your friend. You may have been treated badly by males in the past, but I have been raised differently," he said, trying to reassure her that there was nothing to worry about when it came to him.

Fang suddenly saw Chloe appear on the High Stone and went silent, for he knew that she had something important to say.

"Everyone, if you could turn your attention to me for a moment, I would like to say something." Chloe ran her eyes over her pack and waited for their attention. She took a deep breath. "I would like to apologize to everyone for my behavior earlier. I should not have acted so out of control like that. Aire, I still do not like the fact that you spoke to me in such a disrespectful manner, but it was wrong of me to blow up at you and I apologize. However, you do need to give me the respect that I deserve, even if you do think I am doing something wrong. I would like to encourage the whole pack to give me any suggestions they might have. I could use some help, as this is really the biggest group I have been in control of my entire alpha career," Chloe forced a small laugh. "I appreciate your attention. You may carry on." Chloe bowed to her pack and walked silently into her den. She felt better for making her statement and hoped that she did not make too big of a fool of herself.


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