Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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Chloe sat and listened very intently. "I'm very sorry for the both of you." Chloe said. "Cooper, you may stay with us if you wish, but know that bullying will not be tolerated here. I also hope that whatever has happened in the past will stay in the past. Grace seems to heavily regret what she did to you Cooper. And Grace," she looked at her. "I can already tell that Cooper has forgiven you. I'm glad that you have been reunited." Chloe looked back to Shelly and Jack and turned back to the two siblings. "Grace," Chloe said smiling. "Do you want to introduce Cooper to someone?"

Cooper nodded. "I accept that. I have absoluely no intention of bullying her. I just wanted to make sure she was safe and alive." He said and smiled.

Grace giggled lightly and nipped at Cooper's side lightly. "Come on! I need you to meet someone!" She sang playfully and bounded over to Shelly and Jack. "Cooper, this is Jack, my son." She said and sat down next to the pup.


Chloe giggled softly at Cooper's reaction. "Cute, isn't he?" she said as she walked over to them.

Shelly also laughed at the he-wolves reaction to Jack. "He's not all that bad, really." She nudged Jack lightly.

Dawn rolled over as soon as her stomach emmited a low growl of hunger. "I'm going to go find that buffalo from earlier and eat a bit of dinner." She mentioned to Fang before heading her own way out into the forest, her white paws standing out like a sore thumb against the slight shadows that were beginning to form as the sun set.

"Yes, Jack is my foster son. I rescued him the day that I left." Grace said calmly with a goofy grin.

"Oh, that's better then. I thought you had a mate that I didn't know about or something." Cooper said with a slight chuckle and looked at Jack. "Hi bud. My name is Cooper, I'm your mom's brother."

Jack smiled and licked Shelly's muzzle lightly. "Hi Cooper!"

Chloe smiled at Cooper. "You're an uncle now," she said with a big grin. "How does it feel?"

Fang nodded. "You go ahead Dawn. I'm sleepy," he said as he yawned wide and stretched on his back. He closed his eyes as she walked away, his heart swelling with joy.

"Suprisingly, great." Cooper said and licked Jack's muzzle, causing the pup to emit a loud squeal of delight. Cooper then looked up at Chloe. "I don't think I ever got your name. I can't stay with this pack if I don't know the alpha's name, now can I?" He said and grinned at her.

Dawn pranced away, adding a tad of a bounce in her paw-steps as she went to re-hunt the buffalo; at least this time she didn't have to actually kill it, she only had to find it. And with her alpha-trained sense of smell, it wouldn't be too difficult.

Chloe laughed. "Oh yes, you have a point there. That could be helpful," she said with hearty laugh. "My name is Chloe, at your service." She bowed jokingly, her gray-blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

Fang began to snore loudly. Hopefully no one was near enough to hear, for it was embarrassingly loud.

Cooper laughed. "Well then, Chloe, It is a pleasure to meet you." He said and bowed as well. When he looked up at her, he giggled and wagged his tail happily.


Grace looked at Cooper and Chloe and then looked at Shelly. "Can you watch Jack for a little while longer? I need to hunt for him." Grace said and nodded to Jack.


Jack looked at Grace and inched towards Cooper. "I want to stay with Coopy. I want to be friends with him." He said and nuzzled his leg softly. Grace giggled at her brother's new nickname and nodded. "Sure, but behave. I'll be back soon." She said and bounded off into the forest.

Dawn chomped away on the buffalo she had re-located, eating it happily, her mind drifting to thoughts about Fang and his offer. She licked her jaws, sturggling to get the blood off before trotting back. Lowering her bottom to the ground, she eyed Fang's sleeping figure then suddenly pounced, gribbing his neck with her teeth playfully.

Shelly also laughed at Cooper's new nick name. "You know, I think I might want to go with Grace." Shelly anounced then ran to catch up with Grace. "Hey Grace, do you mind if I come hunt with you? I'm getting kind of hungry myself."

Fang awoke suddenly, and accidentally knocked Dawn off of him as he bolted upright. He gasped. "Dawn, are you alright? I'm sorry. You startled me," he said with a laugh.

Dawn laughed and licked his face once more. "I'm fine," She grinned, "I just felt like pouncing on you."

"Be sure to warn a guy next time!" He said with a hearty laugh. "You scared the ba-jesus outta me." He grinned. He sat in silence for a minute and then suddenly pounced back on Dawn, pinning her to the ground. "Ah," he said, grinning. "Revenge is sweet."

"Blah! Get off me!" Dawn yelped, nipping at his ear frantically, playfully struggling to roll over. "You are so horrible." She barked, her tail wagging vigorously.

"I'm not any worse than you," he barked playfully. "I guess that's why we're good for each other." Fang laughed, his tail swishing left to right in the grass. He rolled over onto his back, exposing his underbelly.

OOC: Sorry I haven't replied in a while. Been busy lately. xD

Ooc: It's alright, lol.

Dawn noticed the oppertunity and lunged for his belly, playfully biting it before backing up, crouched down. "That's very true, but I think you are worse than me!"

"Maybe you're right," Fang said as he scratched his ear with his hind leg. "Or we're about the same." Fang sniffed the air. "I wonder what the others are up to."


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