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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
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My girlfriend dumped me!!! THROUGH A CELL PHONE!! :lol:

I need advice.....COULD SOMEONE HELP!!!!!


She has no back bone.

Forget about her and try to move on. It's not worth it to dwell on something that obviously wasn't meant to be.

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I concur. Breaking up by cellphone is not the way to go. In person would of at least showed she had some integrity, which now we know she doesn't. Get the tears now, find time to be with friends who actually give a hoot about ya, and in time you'll move on.

Move on

You'll find that special someone soon unlike this brat who dumped you on cellphone :eek:


Was it text or speaking on the phone

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She herself just doesn't have a vagina,but acts like one.
that's rude, and highly offending.

don't waste your time crying over a girl like that; she is a shallow, and very cowardly.. *rhymes with -rich-*

i'm sure you can find a girl who is way better than some loser who couldn't even break up with you to your face.

My girlfriend dumped me!!! THROUGH A CELL PHONE!!
Aw, I'm so sorry!

I fell in love with a guy who promised he'd never dump me, and then a week before Christmas dumped me over the phone.

It was really hard, but I got through it, and you will too :]

If you need to talk about it or anything, you can PM me..


She herself just doesn't have a vagina,but acts like one.
[SIZE=7pt]There's no "LOL" about being rude.[/SIZE]

Little more polite?

Okay, thanks.

Anyways, that has once happened to me before.

Here's the story:

He broke up with me through another guy.

And said "It's not you, it's me. I'm not ready for a girlfriend."

(That's about the oldest breakup line ever) :(

And two days later, he asks out my best friend.

So much for "not being ready".

It hurt.

It burns for a day or two, but there are many more girls out there.

She obviously wasn't the right one for you.

Don't take it offensively.

And move along.

She is shallow, and does'nt deserve a guy like you.

Try to be nice to her still.

Even if you don't want to be.

If you fight fire with fire, you only get burned.

So stay down with the gossip.

Don't worry your still young. There are still plenty more fish in the sea!

It was pathetic for her to do it OVER A CELL PHONE~!

But at least she didn't do it over MSN or something...Thats even more pathetic. >.>"

But don't worry. It's not the end of the world!

You'll get over it quickly. :3

well thats pretty witchy, Shes not worth it if she did that. There are other girls out there.why exactly did she break up with you? Did she say?

*post edited* Lay off the swear words kay? We all know what you meant :p - TigerLily013

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Dumped by cell phone?

Just one word: Pathetic...

Don't worry about that girl. She was obviously not the right girl for you, and you deserved better anyway.

As others said, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

Take it maturely and don't try to start fights with her, because that will only make things much worse.

Best wishes,



Move onYou'll find that special someone soon unlike this brat who dumped you on cellphone :lol:


Was it text or speaking on the phone
Wow.... I didn't think Id so many replies!

Thanks guys, your a big help,

oh and firecracker, it was a txt

Woah. Through a cell phone? There had to be another way.

Just relax, sit back, and try to think of something else and find another girl.

My boyfriend didn't even have the guts to tell me himself. He had to get one of his friends to do it for him. Pathetic isn't it? I say, if they can't give you a reason for breaking up, let alone tell you in person, then forget about them.

i know how you feel... the same thing happenned to me a couple of months ago with a girl at my school, ella. :D

but then i started going out with an amazing girl, catherine. shes great, and i would have never met her if ella hadnt dumped me. things like this move you closer to better things in life.

good luck!

That is childish breaking up through a cellphone,if she was a true girlfriend she would have the courage to say it to your face,so don't worry about her,you will find someone totaly unlike her and kind some day.

My girlfriend dumped me!!! THROUGH A CELL PHONE!! :D I need advice.....COULD SOMEONE HELP!!!!!

She's a wimp for dumping you on the text phone rather than face to face. Just move on and find a girl who's worth your time.

She's an idiot. the good news is is that since she dumped you through cellphone then you must have been a really good boyfriend because she was scared to say it in real life. She's an idiot.

She's an idiot.

She's an idiot.

Keep saying that to yourself in the mirror. ;]

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