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Troll was hideaus so the girls ran inside screaming and locked down the house. They told their parents what they say. "UUUUUUUGH ITS DWARFLINGS SON!!!!!!!!!" the parents cried.

troll started to cry "but my dad is dead" he said "he was killed by poison in jail.they sentenced his death because a man he hated was in love with a girl he loved and he tried to kill them during their wedding" troll was cring harder "i wish i could meet the two people he tried to kill. i want to say sorry to them. im not like my dad he killed people and i dont have friends.they all hate me because im ugly"he said "i just want friends" princees and mickey felt bad.mickey stepped forward "we are the people he tried to kill" said mickey "oh my gosh im sorry my dad tried to kill you. i hate my dad he was bad" said troll. june who had a soft stop for people stepped forward and said "ill be your friend" she said. troll ran forward and hugged her. summer and may did the same.troll was crying tears of joy.

everyone troll is a good guy DONT make him bad

mamethci4ever stop it. stop posting in my story you are making it hard for everyone to post. we all want to post something and have it countined it doesnt matter what you said because we countinue it so if you have a problem with what other people are posting in my story then dont post here or if you want it to go your way make your own story
dont be so MEAN!give mametchi4ever a chance!or else i will report this!

dont be so MEAN!give mametchi4ever a chance!or else i will report this!
what? mametchi was trying change what other people said.we countined his post and hes saying that ours is not a part of it if you make a post here someone else continues it

then Troll fell over a rock and Mickey heard his screaming.He came out side, and then a looming figure rose out of the earth where Troll fell over and lunged at mickey with a knife in his hand.Unfortunately it was a ghost knife and it didn't do any thing to Mickey.''Dwarfling!?"asked mickey.

mickey and princess gathered their children and troll and ran inside but dwarfling's ghost disappered but then he appeared infront of them.he was just about to stab when he started to flash then there was a long beep and the ghost dissapered "what the........?" said mickey.mickey and princess ran outside and looked around.they saw 2 children running from their house and a film projecter."it was a prank!" said princess angerly. they went back inside and told the children."whew i thought his ghost was trying to kill us!" said troll "well that was really mean of those kids!"may exclaimed.may summer june and troll huged mickey and princess with relief that it wasnt a real ghost "mom can troll sleepover?" said june "ya please said!"said may and summer at the same time."ok fine" she said. troll and the girls cheered.troll got his sleeping bag,toothbrush and other things.

june got out the game "shortcuts and maps" they played it and it had alot of fun."hey you guys want to watch a movie?" asked troll "sure!" they answered.they watched "claire the serious meets the funny one"

when summer came back they replayed the ending.then they all went to bed.but at 1 in the mourning june woke up and went to get a drink when she got back up she found troll awake.he couldnt fall back asleep so they sat down and watched tv.

then at 5 in the mourning when mickey went down to get breakfast since he goes to work early he saw june and troll on the couch.he took a blanket from the cabinet and covered them with 10 summer and may woke up.troll and june were still sleeping

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