Should Smoking be illegal?


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Actually, I do, thanks. >.> I am not your child, kthnx. You know what? The link between smoking and lung cancer is 0.4. YOU don't know the un-dangers.
my Gran stopped smoking, sure, she can smell clearer, and drinks A TON less coffee, but it was really really hard for her to get over. She substituted it with popcorn for a while, actually. o.0

But my point was, she had been smoking for a fairly long time, and you know what? No lung cancer, no drop dead, no breathing spasms, no asthema, no nothing. -.-' I've known a fair few of smokers or former smokers, and as long as your not smoking crack, drugs, or those Clove cigarettes, your fine.
Um, see what I mean? I'm not trying to be mean, but smoking is VERY dangerous. It is not FINE.

And I can tell you, there is a LOT more dangers and un-dangers. >.< Maybe you should focus on the dangers instead of the non-dangers. (again, not trying to be mean)

Actually, I do, thanks. >.> I am not your child, kthnx. You know what? The link between smoking and lung cancer is 0.4. YOU don't know the un-dangers.
a family member of mine stopped smoking, sure, she can smell clearer, and drinks A TON less coffee, but it was really really hard for her to get over. She substituted it with popcorn for a while, actually. o.0

But my point was, she had been smoking for a fairly long time, and you know what? No lung cancer, no drop dead, no breathing spasms, no asthema, no nothing. -.-' I've known a fair few of smokers or former smokers, and as long as your not smoking crack, drugs, or those Clove cigarettes, your fine.
She was LUCKY!!!

Well even if smoking was made illegal, people would still do it. My mum and my Babcia (Grandmother) both died of lung cancer from smoking, but that doesnt stop the rest of my family from smoking. I havn't smoked and I never will, but if people choose to smoke then that's their choice.

i don't think anyone should be allowed to smoke cos its not safe!

[SIZE=12pt]Stop Smoking? STOP SMOKING O:[/SIZE]

Well just think about it.

If it was illegal everyone would go BAZERK!

Its not like getting over sucking your thumb.

Awwhhh No. People would start riots about smoking coming back and people would die o__o'

Smoking dosent even cause that much polution anyways.

And if you wanna smoke, WHY NOT D=

Its not like they dont know the consequences of smoking.


Also there are religions that involve smoking, And in America you have the right to choose your religion. So if they made it illegal that would Bash out Freedome Of Religion

Sorry for bringing religion in this topic,

Dont execute me D=

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This topic makes me giggle. Loudly. It's their body. Don't tell them how to run it. It's no secret that it isn't good for you, but they can do it anyway. Eating junk food isn't healthy and you all still eat it. Don't tell people how to run their bodies. How would you like it if you woke up with a marathon runner all up in your face going "HEY GET UP EAT SOME GRANOLA AND TAKE A 10 MILE JOG! GO!"? You wouldn't appreciate that very much, would you?

:wacko: i have always been into pubs that used to be smoking (and some still are).

But i cant imagine pubs not smoking cos thats one reason why people used to go into them.

plus half my family smoke, and its not really done us any harm and i know smokings bad but it is one smell that reminds me of home.

:wacko: i have always been into pubs that used to be smoking (and some still are). But i cant imagine pubs not smoking cos thats one reason why people used to go into them.

plus half my family smoke, and its not really done us any harm and i know smokings bad but it is one smell that reminds me of home.
And also one smell that can affect your health in the future.

You breathing in somebody else's smoke is just as bad as smoking itself.

I dont belive it should be illegal.

As most smokers cant just give up like that, if you have only been smoking for a month then it would be easier to give up, but if you've been smoking for 20 years then it will seem almost impossible.

It would be unfair to smokers to make it illegal, but maybe raising the smoking age.

Smoking may not be safe, but you dont know that when your larking about with your friends, you think it's just a joke, then time after time of smoking you'll just get hooked.

You do realise, all you smokers out there, if you didn't smoke you could save £500. Or $- but Im from the UK.

I may only be 13 but belive me, My grandma taught me all about smoking and what it can do to you. Im never ever going to smoke, evah. =|

You truly don't know the dangers of smoking do you...? >.
Sadly, I think that you may not understand there's much more depth to the issue of smoking than "the dangers".

If you want to understand better why smoking is not going to be illegal any time soon, don't make the mistake of simply focussing on the health issue, focus on the (very) powerful tobacco industry - notably the American Tobacco Industry and the power they wield across the world in high political and economic circles.

There are are many more factors than health which drive the smoking debate - economics is one of the most important.

Those who believe that smoking should be illegal may have the right idea, but it simply isn't that simple.

If you don't understand why, then you need to look more closely at the reasons why smoking has not been outlawed and understand how difficult it is to make it illegal.

Then you can decide if it is even realistic to suggest that smoking should be illegal. I recommend you start your research by finding out more about the Tobacco Lobby :ph34r:

All I can say is that putting forward a one dimensional health argument in favor of making smoking illegal is unrealistic.

Good Luck - many politicians and businessmen have tried (and failed) before you - but don't let that put you off :D

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I think it should be.
What Does ILLEGAL mean Should or shouldnt

What Does ILLEGAL mean should or shouldnt

???????? :wacko:

Ok. It should also be illegal to go to the bathroom in the toilets at walmart.
Not smoking in public? Smoking areas? Thats like saying its illegal to drink in a pub.

Public property is everyone's land.
It's called public because everyone can use it. Technically the city owns it.

The places she mentioned, some places already have laws against it.

It's called public because everyone can use it. Technically the city owns it.
The places she mentioned, some places already have laws against it.
Well, technically, but if its just some random place on the side of the highway, middle of nowhere, its public property.

Well, technically, but if its just some random place on the side of the highway, middle of nowhere, its public property.
That would be state property. Otherwise you would be allowed to build/dig/destroy/etc without actually buying the property.

I would like to hear someones reasons from the other perspective.

1. Why don't you think it should be illegal?

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