Should Smoking be illegal?


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Okay, first of all, that is completely untrue. Secondly: So? They can find other places to live.
Same thing. You can't just go live somewhere else. You can't just go get a new job. Jobs aren't easy to come by.

I don't understand why everytime someone says something you say "So? It doesn't matter!" You asked for opinions. Listen to them and accept them. We're not telling you to change your opinion. We're telling you what we think.
Sorry I didn't say that. I meant to say So what does tobacco do to help? not 'so?'

and it IS true!

It should be illegal everywhere. Do those people know what it is doing to the enviorment? And if kids or anyone breaths too much in it could affect how well they breathe when they become elderly.
Don't even pull the environment thing. Do you know what cars do? Buses? Factories? Should all of those things be illegal? Considering they cause a LOT more damage than cigarette smoke.

I'm starting to wonder, do you even know what you're talking about?

Even if you make something like that illegal, it's going to happen.

It's not like whenever you go somewhere you're walking down a sea of smokers blowing it in your face.

Thanks! Some people just don't understand the dangers of smoking.
Honey, I'm a smoker.

I know dang well the dangers of it. I know what it'll do to me, and I still chose to do it.

If people want to take the risk of their health, that's their problem. That's their choice.

Don't assume that just because people don't care, it means they don't know.

Smokers know the risk. They know what it does. They don't care, and once again, that's their choice.

Honey, I'm a smoker.
I know dang well the dangers of it. I know what it'll do to me, and I still chose to do it.

If people want to take the risk of their health, that's their problem. That's their choice.

Don't assume that just because people don't care, it means they don't know.

Smokers know the risk. They know what it does. They don't care, and once again, that's their choice.
Why do you have to be so negative to me anyway? How old are you? And I know pretty well too. My brother smokes. OK?! And I'm saying people SHOULD care! It's affecting everyday life!! And I AM going to pull the enviormental thing!!! Because I am standing up to what I believe in!!!

I dunno.

I think it's kind of unfair that people who smoke affect the people around them too. I know of someone who died because of second hand smoke. And the smoker didn't have any health problems yet. So it was a sad situation.

I also had a family member die because of it. And my dad is currently suffering from it. So it's just not for me after seeing people around me affected by it.

I think it's kind of nasty to be honest. Like, tar in your lungs. And then the whole thing about teeth. Smoking is just not a thing I want to get into.

Why do you have to be so negative to me anyway? How old are you? And I know pretty well too. My brother smokes. OK?! And I'm saying people SHOULD care! It's affecting everyday life!! And I AM going to pull the enviormental thing!!! Because I am standing up to what I believe in!!!
I'm negative because you're pulling out random untrue facts and making stupid assumptions like, 'they just don't understand' to make a point

Cigarette smoke doesn't even cause 1% of global warming, let alone 15%.

So I honestly wonder if you also think cars, buses, factories, and every other kind of pollutants should be illegal as well.

Smoking is not as serious of a thing as you're making it out to be. We don't blow it in your faces, we can't smoke indoors of public places, and you have the choice to get away from it. If you don't like having cigarette smoke around you, move. If you were there first and someone lights up a cigarette, politely ask them if they would mind smoking it a bit away from you. Most smokers are nice enough to at least get away from you.

If you don't like something, get away from it. It's not that hard.

Trying to ban something like smoking is pointless. People would lose jobs, factories would be shut down, and overall, millions of people would be pi**ed, and as others have pointed out, people are going to do it anyway. It's like ANY drug or banned product. People will find a way.

In some places it's already illegal to smoke indoors, public parks and in your car around anyone under the age of 18. There are enough laws about it to protect enough people.

I understand that you're standing up for what you believe in, but untrue 'facts' isn't the way to go.

Do research about what you preach before you step back up on that soapbox.

No, it shouldn't be illegal.

I am not a smoker, and I understand all the 'dangers' of smoking, but forbidding smoking would be ridiculous.

Here in Spain there is a law of the 28th of December of some year which forbids smoking in public places, bars of over 100 square meters must make a zone for smokers and smaller bars must decide if smokers are allowed or not in their bars. Most bars still allow smoking because they probably have more smoking customers than non smoking customers.

People who smoke often do know what the risks are, but maybe they don't mind, or prefer smoking. It is true that one cigarette doesn't kill you and therefore you continue smoking and it doesn't do much good, but it shouldn't be banned. In Spain there is another law that there must be a sign on tobacco boxes that occupies at least 20% of the surface of the box or something like that with an image or a message saying some downside of smoking.

It is good to have some laws which keeps some no smoking zones clear, but it would be an impossible feat to illegalise it. When I was two or three years younger (your age more or less), I probably thought more or less the same. As I have 'grown up' a bit - the parents of both my best friends smoke. They don't like it. One of them used to hide his father's cigarettes or take the cigarette lighter in his pencil case to school so his father couldn't use it. Most people who saw that with him probably thought he smoked though he didn't. My other friend's parents smoke a lot too, although they are quite respectful and when I am waiting for my friend and waiting with them they will often ask if the smoke does not bother me.

As S.K. pointed out above "Most smokers are nice enough to at least get away from you."

As for cigarette effects on global warming. There are plenty more polluting agents out there like cars, cows, factories etc.

The best thing is just to keep the world a "more or less free and tolerant place" and keep away from smoke if you don't like it and simply be respectful to them. I don't think the fact a person smokes makes them a bad person or inferior at all.


If someone is expectn' a baby, then they should law off the packs for a while. People are free to smoke if they want. It's their buness, not yours.

Most people who smoke know they'll get lung and throat cancer. If smokin' was made illigeal, then we should have the purchase of alchol illgeal to people at the ripe legal age. Lets make cars illegal also! Last time i checked, we don't live in a country with fascist laws. This reminds me of the "Should Mc Donald's be closed down/" thread.

I am also tired of the whole. "ZOMG GLOBAL WARMING!" thing.

If smoking was illegal, things would fall apart. People would go elsewere or smuggle them from other places.

Why do people smoke?

It's to relive stress if I don't recall. If they want to smoke, LET THEM! No one wants to be preached on how they will die, etc.

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Ok, I haven't lost a someone I love to smoking, and I STILL think that smoking should be illegal. Making smoking illegal would make more people quit, and while so many people are trying to quit already, they're not succeeding.

Who invented smoking anyway? :lol: I wish I could go back in time and stop whoever invented smoking. >.< I'll make history!!! MWA HA HA HA!!!

Sorry xP

Yes of course it should. >.< Too many people are getting cancer and dying because of it. It's also very bad for the environment. I wish I could go back in time and make sure that the people who invented smoking and stop them. :lol: I know one thing for sure: I AM NEVER GOING TO SMOKE. None of my relatives smoke (or had smoked) so I won't be getting bad influence.
Uh, no, it isn't.

The link between smoking and lung cancer is about 0.4. ZERO POINT FOUR CHANCE.

And its not, not really. Its made of tobacco, grown by nature originally & herself, and smoke is in general, natural. If you lit a bonfire, would that be bad for the environment?

Ok, I haven't lost a someone I love to smoking, and I STILL think that smoking should be illegal. Making smoking illegal would make more people quit, and while so many people are trying to quit already, they're not succeeding.
People will still probaly find away to do it anyway.

If we made it illegal, people would probaly still find someway to smoke.

Anyway I dont think it should be illegal, if people wanna smoke thats there issue.

I most certainly don't agree with it, but yes, people will find ways of doing it anyway. Their loss.

I think it should be.
I think so as well for a number of reasons...

1)It stinks.

2)It's bad for your health.

3)You can cause other people damage through passive smoking.

4)If you smoke, you only inhale 15% of it and the other 85% of it is inhaled by other people through passive smoking

5)It makes you stink and you can die prematurely through diseases.

6)It doesn't calm you down

I have a parnet who gave up smoking for the better and now everyone and everythings feels a bit better.

*This is only my opinion on smoking, there are also lots more reasons that I forgot to mention but can be found on the web*

I think so as well for a number of reasons...1)It stinks.

2)It's bad for your health.

3)You can cause other people damage through passive smoking.

4)If you smoke, you only inhale 15% of it and the other 85% of it is inhaled by other people through passive smoking

5)It makes you stink and you can die prematurely through diseases.

6)It doesn't calm you down

I have a parnet who gave up smoking for the better and now everyone and everythings feels a bit better.

*This is only my opinion on smoking, there are also lots more reasons that I forgot to mention but can be found on the web*
Look, most of the comments in here who say it should be outlawed seem kinda biased.

People do smoke and sometkes they do it to calm their nerves.

Let people smoke if they want.

Think about it. If it was outlawed because people are butthurt over smoking, people wpuld find other ways to smuggle them into their area.

Where I work, people smoke. I don't care. I had a father who smoked. I have a step fgather who smoked. i didn't care. It's their buinsess, not mine.

Let the people smoke. Outlaws would make more money smuggling it if it was illegal, More would emerge if it was illegal because it is such a used drug. And a lot of people who sell it legally would loose funds.

Do you know how many people would commit mass suicide? Yea, some people are that addicted.

Like said before, people will still smuggle them in.

And I'm pretty sure its part of native american culture.

Yes of course it should. >.< Too many people are getting cancer and dying because of it. It's also very bad for the environment. I wish I could go back in time and make sure that the people who invented smoking and stop them. :chohimetchi: I know one thing for sure: I AM NEVER GOING TO SMOKE. None of my relatives smoke (or had smoked) so I won't be getting bad influence.
Agreed 100%.

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